is a speech activity detection (SAD) tool developed at the Linguistic Data Consortium based on a broad phonetic class (BPC) recognizer. The tool was originally developed circa 2012 for internal use and now is being made available to the public.
To install ldc-bpcsad
and its dependencies, please follow the detailed instructions in the installation guide.
The documentation is available at http://Linguistic-Data-Consortium.github.io/ldc-bpcsad.
This software is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public license.
author = {Neville Ryant},
title ={{L}inguistic {D}ata {C}onsortium {B}road {P}honetic {C}lass {S}peech {A}ctivity {D}etector (ldc-bpcsad)},
year = {2023},
url = {https://github.com/Linguistic-Data-Consortium/ldc-bpcsad},