This package contains the b1 description files. It works both with ROS and ROS 2 distros.
this package depends on the following:
- sensors_description
- velodyne_description
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne-description
please clone it in the same workspace of b1_description.
To see the robot description on rviz and interact with it:
- ROS:
roslaunch b1_description b1_rviz.launch sensors:=true
- ROS 2:
ros2 launch b1_description
To upload robot description and start robot state publisher for rviz visualization purposes in real applications:
- ROS:
roslaunch b1_description upload.launch sensors:=true
- ROS 2:
ros2 launch b1_description
We recommand users to run this package in Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 and ROS noetic, Foxy or Humble envir\onment.
The package is provided by:
- Federico Rollo [Mantainer]