Lehigh University's Computer Science and Business Association is a student organization run by and for students majoring in Computer Science and Business. As an organization, we promote the cohort's wants and needs to the Computer Science Department, the College of Business, and the greater university. In regards to students we have three main goals: building technical skills, assisting in the job application process, and encouraging a fun social atmosphere. Some of our events are open to all students at Lehigh regardless of major. Please reach out if you have any inquiries.
We want to promote the use of GitHub among students, so there are several important resources for students on this GitHub.
GitHub wiki is where you can find professional development and technical resources, information about the organization and more!
GitHub discussions will be the place where students can ask questions to everyone in CSB. Questions about registration, grading rationale, or really anything CSB related can be asked there. Prospective students can also ask questions if they would like to get to know more about the program.
GitHub projects is GitHub's version of a Kanban board. We will use this to update everyone on what the Executive Board is working on. There also may be additional boards in the future for specific programs, projects, and events.
Name | Position | |
Julian Chattopadhyay | President | juc226@lehigh.edu |
Vrushti Patel | VP of Development | vap326@lehigh.edu |
Daniel In | VP of Experience | dai226@lehigh.edu |
Matt Sargent | Treasurer | mas526@lehigh.edu |
Sanchita Shrivastava | Secretary | sas626@lehigh.edu |
Ben Stahl | Technical Dev. | bes227@lehigh.edu |
Zaki Khan | Professional Dev. | zmk227@lehigh.edu |
Amanda Fogel | Alumni Relations | asf327@lehigh.edu |
Mithat Eroglu | Public Relations | mee227@lehigh.edu |
Ellee Segal | Social Coord. | ess227@lehigh.edu |
Tenzing Dhelawa | First Year Rep. | ted228@lehigh.edu |