Small addons to add URL shortcuts to Thunderbird.
already contains some examples, you can build them like so:
nix build .#youtube-music
nix build .#discord
You can also use the shortcuts directly in your own flakes:
- Add this flake as an input to your flake:
# flake.nix
inputs = {
thunderbird-shortcuts = {
url = "github:Laurent2916/thunderbird-shortcuts";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # optional = "systems"; # optional
- You can then use the provided
, for example with home-manager and thunderbird:
{system, pkgs, thunderbird-shortcuts, ...}: {
programs.thunderbird = {
enable = true;
profiles = {
my_profile = {
extensions = [
thunderbird-shortcuts.lib.genShortcut {
inherit pkgs;
name = "arXiv";
url = "";
logo = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256-Lc2IQPRoWcXim13yCxX5iqhyVOCeze2ywRoe1QKFBPw=";
I always have Thunderbird opened (for emails and RSS), I also always have "persistent" tabs opened in my browser (e.g. Slack, YT Music, etc.), so why not have them in the same place?
Even though Thunderbird uses the same engine as Firefox, some features are not enabled.
You can auto-accept notifications by setting the following in about:config
"permissions.default.desktop-notification" = 1
I haven't figured this one yet, if you have any idea, please let me know.