This project consists of angular2 components like pagination, rating etc.
You can view and download the source code from
Components |
pagination |
rating |
messages |
npm install --save Angular2-Comps
If your project is using SystemJS for module loading, you will need to add angular2-comps
to the SystemJS configuration:
// existing configuration options
map: {
'angular2-comps': 'npm:angular2-comps/index.js',
defaultJSExtensions: true
Add components as an declarations in your app's root NgModule.
import { Angular2CompsModule } from 'angular2-comps'
imports: [Angular2CompsModule],
export class AppModule { }
Include bootstrap & font Awesome links for giving default styles. Later you can override the default styles based on your requirement.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">