- Author: Karl Parks
- Class: AE 530
- Date: 2.13.19
Run "rocketSimMainV4.m"
It is possible to change between different rocket characteristics/specifications easily using the rocketType variable at the top of the main script. Use a value of 1 for Homework 2 specifications.
- rocketSimODE_Real.m
- rocketSimODE_Ideal.m
- valueAt.m
- findrho.m
- findTemp.m
- valueOfMach.m
- findCd.m
- simpleInterp.m
- yzero.m
- rocketSimExcel.xlsx
%% Time Adjustments
tStep = 0.1;
tFinal = 3000;
tSpan = 1:tStep:tFinal;
%% Choose Initial Conditions
rocketType = 2;
%rocketName = '';
% 1 = HW2
% 2 = FAR/MARS
% 3 = GAH
% 4 = HW1
% 5 = BASE11
% otherwise = LR101 Rocket
switch rocketType
case 1
%% Initial Values - HW2
fprintf('rocketType: HW2\n');
rocketName = 'HW2';
beta0 = 1; %deg launch angle
thrust0 = 20000; %Newtons
burntime = 60; %seconds
frontArea = 0.196; %m^2
Mo = 750; %kg total weight
Ms = 240; %strucure mass
Ml = 10; %payload mass
case 2
%% Initial Values - FAR/MARS
--- Numerical Simulation of a Sounding Rocket Flight ---
Author: Karl Parks
Class: AE 530
Date: 2.13.19
rocketType: HW2
Importing Data: This may take a moment...
NOTICE: Holding some values constant on plots after t: 355.2
Plots Displayed
Burnout Time (Real): 60.0 [sec]
Burnout Alt (Real): 35273.8 [m] 115727.5 [ft]
Burnout Vel (Real): 1565.3 [m/s]
Time @ Apogee (Real): 218.1 [sec]
Apogee Alt (Real): 153031.6 [m] 502072.3 [ft]
Time @ Impact (Real): 394.7 [sec]
Max Horiz (Real): 142225.7 [m] 466619.9 [ft]
MATLAB's ode45 numerical integrator chooses its own time step.
--- Other Interesting Information ---
Total Weight: 1653 pounds
Thrust: 4496 pounds
T/W: 2.718
Isp: 244.6 [sec]
u_eqivalent: 2400.0 [m/s]
Mass Ratio: 3
Delta V: 2636.7 [m/s]
Max Alt (Real): 153031.6 [m] 502072.3 [ft]
Max Alt (Eq): 261033.4 [m] 856408.7 [ft]
Max Alt (Ideal): 283222.9 [m] 929209.0 [ft]
Max Vert Vel (Real): 1514.4 [m/s]
Max Horz Vel (Real): 1040.1 [m/s]
Max Velocity (Real): 1566.8 [m/s]
Improved atmospheric data using atmosisa
Add launch rail
Add alt ASL
Numerical integration of beta (flight angle)
Numerical integration of theta (curvature of Earth)
Incorporation of wind
Incorporate CG vs CP differences
Incorporate lift of rocket and fins
Incorporate thrust profiles (with changing back pressure)
Incorporate control systems (TVC)
Incorporate staging
Incorporate transfer into LEO or GEO orbits
Add parachute deployment options
Add re-entry information
Add graphical user interface (GUI)
Make non-MATLAB version for any user (python?)
Make GNU Octave Compatible
Apply optimization control theory
FYI... you could do the above... or you could just use RASAero