An application written in python to track lap times during solar car races. Tracking comes in three different modes: Manual Entry, Semi-Automatic, Automatic.
Each Mode is Performed by:
- Manual Entry - Keyboard input into spreadsheet
- Semi-Automatic - Button presses for each car
- Automatic - Computer Vision/Processing via Webcam
The application also has a built in graphing module that can create various graphs based on the existing car data as well as a Leaderboard that can track and compare each car against all other cars within the same race.
A virtual environment (Not really necessary but good to have if you're working on seperate projects, this project was created using a Conda virtual environment.)
As well as the following packages w/ their version numbers.
-numpy >= 1.15.4
-matplotlib >= 2.2.3
-PyQt5 >= 5.6.0
-pytimeparse >= 1.1.8
-opencv-contrib-python >= 3.4.3
-pywin32 >= 1.0; platform_system == "Windows"
-tesseract >= 0.1.3
Project Development was done using conda virtual environments.
git clone
cd ./CS499SolarCarTimer
If you have Anaconda Package Manager installed and have your %PATH% env setup correctly. (If you're not sure, be sure to use "Anaconda Prompt" which is provided with the installation of Anaconda3)
conda create -n <name> --file Install\envBuild_Windows.txt
conda create -n <name> --file Install\envBuild_Linux.txt
conda create -n <name> --file Install\envBuild_MacOS.txt
Activate the environment after creation:
conda activate <name>
Running project from terminal
or command prompt
python -m SCTimeUtility.__main__
Note: All builds provided will only work on their respective 64-bit systems
(Env Build testing was performed on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10 respectively.)
First, create the environment using:
conda create -n <name>
Activate it using:
conda activate <name>
Then install the packages (from the package list) using either pip
or conda
conda install <package-name>
pip install <package-name>
After installing all the required packages, run (in the project folder):
python -m SCTimeUtility.__main__
Note: If using conda to install packages, you may want to use conda-forge as the package provider.
To build the program package (depending on what platform you want):
Python Wheel (Cross-Platform):
python -bdist_wheel
EXE (Windows):
python -bdist_wininst
MSI (Windows):
python -bdist_msi
RPM (Linux):
python -bdist_rpm
Below are some pre-built packages provided for convenience if you'd prefer not to build the application yourself.
After the package has been built, just run:
If wheel (or wanting to run from terminal or cmd
python -m SCTimeUtility.__main__
Otherwise, Just use click the shortcut in either the start menu or desktop.
note: shortcuts are currently a work in progress and will be implemented shortly(For now, just use the command above after installing)
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0
Package was designed and written by: