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ROS - pygradientpolytope

This repository includes nodes for generating and visualizing Cartesian Available : (1) Velocity Polytope (2) Force Polytope (3) Desired Polytope (4) Performance Index - Capacity Margin in Rviz.


This repository was tested on Universal Robot UR5. The robot is controllled through an external PC with ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Hardware requirements

  • External PC. Our specifications are;
Intel® Core™ i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz × 16
Intel® Core™ i9-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz × 16 (Interactive Inverse Kinematics for the Serial Arm-  video for the paper)
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation GP106GL [Quadro P2200]

Software and Library Requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • ROS Noetic If you are new to ROS, go here to learn how to create a catkin workspace.
  • Polytope. This is the source repository for polytope, a toolbox for geometric operations on polytopes in any dimension. Polytope.
  • pykdl_utils Higher Level Python wrapper for PyKDL in ROS for Kinematic Solver
  • Python native libraries Scipy, Numpy
  • Polygon ROS geometry messages for plotting in Rviz jsk-ros-pkg
  • Polytope ros message publisher forked and modified from Pycapacity Library capacity_visual_utils

Toolbox in the Catkin workspace - ROS1

In a Terminal

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone

Library Installation - Only if not preinstalled

In a terminal

$ pip install sympy
$ pip install polytope
Clone Sawyer Robot- Different from the Original Repo due to the offset in the tool center point to avoid Null in Jacobian
$ git clone
Clone UR5 Robot Repository - Different from the Original Repo due to the offset in the tool center point to avoid Null in Jacobian
$ git clone
Clone PyKDL - From OROCOS-KDL Repository - Latest Branch
$ git clone
Clone Pykdl - Kinematics Wrapper Repository - Edited for Python 3 and ROS Noetic Compatible
$ git clone
$ git checkout Noetic-devel
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-urdf-parser-plugin
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-urdfdom-py

Clone Visualization Package Library - Rviz
$ git clone
Catkin Build/ Catkin Make - Build & Source all repositories in Catkin Workspace
$ cd ..
$ catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash

IF you encounter CMAKE Error : Install all ROS- Dependencies - (Only when CMAKE Error !) Replace underscores "_" with "-" in the package name while typing in the MISSING-PACKAGE below

$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-MISSING-PACKAGE

ROS - Preliminary Dependencies - Install Only if required
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-robot-state-publisher ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joint-state-publisher
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joint-state-publisher-gui
To Visualize UR5 robot in Rviz
$ roslaunch ur_description view_ur5.launch 
To Visualize Sawyer Robot in Rviz
$ roslaunch sawyer_description test_sawyer_description.launch
Launch the IK Controller
UR Robot
$ roslaunch rospygradientpolytope launch_robot_ur.launch

UR5 - 6 DOF

Sawyer Robot
$ roslaunch rospygradientpolytope launch_robot_sawyer.launch

Sawyer Robot - 7 DOF

Steps to start Interactive Inverse Kinematics
Clone the interactive PyQT GUI repository and launch the QT panel
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch inverse_kinematics_interactive_rviz inverse_kinematics_interactive_rviz.launch
  1. Ensure that a link "world" exists as a base frame in your urdf file.
  2. Click and drag the interactive sphere with axes in the Rviz window
  3. Select Run IK button from the Interactive panel
  4. Click on Polytope:ON for visualizing the estimated capacity margin during optimization
  5. Polytope:Off To stop updating the polytope (Faster execution option)
  6. Click on Reset Button : After optimization termination for consecutive IK optimization
Interactive panel is in experimental phase and may lead to occasional crash. Please restart the node, when GUI crashes

UR Robot

UR5 - 6 DOF

Sawyer Robot

Sawyer- 7 DOF

Module functions

Python3 library functions independent of ROS
For computing desired or available/feasible velocity polytope faces and vertices
from rospygradientpolytope.visual_polytope import *
Compute polytope facets and vertices of user-defined desired polytope

cartesian_desired_vertices - Desired velocities at the end-effector


polytope_vertices - Convex hull of the desired cartesian vertices
polytope_faces - Simplices of the convex hull mapped to polytope facets

Compute polytope facets and vertices of available/feasible polytope, with the closest (vertex,facet) pair

[polytope_vertices, polytope_faces, facet_pair_idx, capacity_margin_faces, capacity_proj_vertex, polytope_vertices_est, polytope_faces_est, capacity_margin_faces_est, capacity_proj_vertex_est,Gamma_min_softmax] = velocity_polytope_with_estimation(JE, qdot_max, qdot_min,cartesian_desired_vertices, sigmoid_slope)


JE - Jacobian of the serial manipulator using PyKDL
qdot_max - maximum joint velocity vector- minimum joint velocity vector
qdot_min - minimum joint velocity vector
cartesian_desired_vertices - Desired velocities at the end-effector
sigmoid_slope - Slope parameter for sigmoid activation


polytope_vertices - Convex hull of the available cartesian velocities
polytope_faces - Facets of the available cartesian velocities
facet_pair_idx - Index of the closest (vertex,facet) pair
capacity_margin_faces - Closest facet in the available cartesian velocities contributing to classical capacity margin
capacity_proj_vertex - Closest vertex in the desired cartesian velocities contributing to classical capacity margin
polytope_vertices_est - Convex hull of the available cartesian velocities with estimated hyperplane parameters
polytope_faces_est - Facets of the available cartesian velocities with estimated hyperplane parameters
capacity_margin_faces_est - Closest facet in the available cartesian velocities contributing to estimated capacity margin
capacity_proj_vertex_est - Closest vertex in the desired cartesian velocities contributing to estimated capacity margin
Gamma_min_softmax - Estimated capacity margin (Performance measure)

For computing all hyperplane parameters and estimated capacity margin
from rospygradientpolytope.polytope_functions import *
Compute hyperplane parameters for velocity polytope

[h_plus,h_plus_hat,h_minus,h_minus_hat,p_plus,p_minus,p_plus_hat,p_minus_hat,n_k, Nmatrix, Nnot] = get_polytope_hyperplane(JE,active_joints,cartesian_dof_input,qdot_min,qdot_max,cartesian_desired_vertices,sigmoid_slope)

JE - Jacobian of the serial manipulator using PyKDL
active_joints - Number of joints in the serial manipulator (Eg, for Sawyer,active_joints = 7)
cartesian_dof_input - Cartesian DOF (Eg, Cartesian DOF = 3), if only translational velocities are considered
qdot_min - minimum joint velocity vector
qdot_max - maximum joint velocity vector- minimum joint velocity vector
cartesian_desired_vertices - Desired velocities at the end-effector
sigmoid_slope - Slope parameter for sigmoid activation


h_plus - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane
h_plus_hat - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
h_minus - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane
h_minus_hat - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
p_plus - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_plus
p_minus - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_minus
p_plus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_plus_hat
p_minus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_minus_hat
n_k - Normal vector corresponding to the cross product between two joint twist
Nmatrix - Combinations of twists to define n_k
Nnot - Combinations of twists to define h_plus, h_minus using Nmatrix and n_k

Compute classical and estimated capacity margin (performance measure)

[Gamma_minus, Gamma_plus, Gamma_total_hat, Gamma_min, Gamma_min_softmax, Gamma_min_index_hat, facet_pair_idx, hyper_plane_sign] = get_capacity_margin(JE,n_k,h_plus,h_plus_hat,h_minus,h_minus_hat,active_joints,cartesian_dof_input,qdot_min,qdot_max,cartesian_desired_vertices,sigmoid_slope)

JE - Jacobian of the serial manipulator using PyKDL
n_k - Normal vector corresponding to the cross product between two joint twist
h_plus - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane
h_plus_hat - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
h_minus - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane
h_minus_hat - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
active_joints - Number of joints in the serial manipulator (Eg, for Sawyer,active_joints = 7)
cartesian_dof_input - Cartesian DOF (Eg, Cartesian DOF = 3), if only translational velocities are considered
qdot_min - minimum joint velocity vector
qdot_max - maximum joint velocity vector- minimum joint velocity vector
cartesian_desired_vertices - Desired velocities at the end-effector
sigmoid_slope - Slope parameter for sigmoid activation


Gamma_minus - Distance vector contributing to capacity margin using points p_minus on the hyperplane defined by h_minus
Gamma_plus - Distance vector contributing to capacity margin using points p_plus on the hyperplane defined by h_plus
Gamma_total_hat - Total distance vector contributing to estimated capacity margin
Gamma_min - Classical capacity margin
Gamma_min_softmax - Estimated capacity margin (proposed performance measure)
Gamma_min_index_hat - Index of Gamma_total_hat with the minimum value
facet_pair_idx - Index of the (vertex,facet) pair to plot in rviz
hyper_plane_sign - To identify the hyperplane closer to the vertex to plot in rviz

For computing analytical gradient of hyperplane parameters and estimated capacity margin for serial robot
from rospygradientpolytope.polytope_gradient_functions import *
Compute hyperplane gradient using the proposed method

[d_h_plus_dq, d_h_minus_dq, dn_dq] = hyperplane_gradient(JE,H,n_k,Nmatrix, Nnot,h_plus_hat,h_minus_hat,p_plus_hat,p_minus_hat,qdot_min,qdot_max,test_joint,sigmoid_slope)

JE - Jacobian of the serial manipulator using PyKDL
H - Hessian of the serial manipulator
n_k - Normal vector corresponding to the cross product between two joint twist
Nmatrix - Combinations of twists to define n_k
Nnot - Combinations of twists to define h_plus, h_minus using Nmatrix and n_k
h_plus_hat - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
h_minus_hat - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
p_plus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_plus_hat
p_minus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_minus_hat
qdot_min - minimum joint velocity vector
qdot_max - maximum joint velocity vector- minimum joint velocity vector
test_joint - Gradient with respect to the corresponding joint
sigmoid_slope - Slope parameter for sigmoid activation


d_h_plus_dq - Gradient of the h_plus_hat vector with respect to the corresponding joint q
d_h_minus_dq - Gradient of the h_minus_hat vector with respect to the corresponding joint q
dn_dq - Gradient of n_k vector with respect to the corresponding joint q

Compute estimated capacity margin (performance index) gradient using the proposed method
Using multi-processing toolbox with global variable jac_output- representing the analytical gradient of the estimated capacity margin with respect to all active joints in the serial manipulator

[jac_output] = Gamma_hat_gradient_dq(JE,H,n_k,Nmatrix, Nnot,h_plus_hat,h_minus_hat,p_plus_hat,\
                        p_minus_hat, Gamma_total_hat, Gamma_min_index_hat,\

JE - Jacobian of the serial manipulator using PyKDL
H - Hessian of the serial manipulator
n_k - Normal vector corresponding to the cross product between two joint twist
Nmatrix - Combinations of twists to define n_k
Nnot - Combinations of twists to define h_plus, h_minus using Nmatrix and n_k
h_plus_hat - Maximum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
h_minus_hat - Minimum distance vector contributing to defining available velocities hyperplane (using proposed method)
p_plus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_plus_hat
p_minus_hat - Points on the hyperplane defined by h_minus_hat
Gamma_total_hat - Total distance vector contributing to estimated capacity margin
qdot_min - minimum joint velocity vector
qdot_max - maximum joint velocity vector- minimum joint velocity vector
cartesian_desired_vertices - Desired velocities at the end-effector
sigmoid_slope - Slope parameter for sigmoid activation
test_joint - Gradient with respect to the corresponding joint
jac_output - Global multiprocessing array for storing analytical gradient of the estimated capacity margin


jac_output- Analytical gradient of the estimated capacity margin with respect to the corresponding test joint test_joint

Custom ROS Message to plot polytope,vertices and facets in Rviz
from rospygradientpolytope.polytope_ros_message import *
To test capacity margin gradient (Sawyer Robot)

Fix all joints and move only one-joint "test_joint" and visualize simultaneously numerical gradient and analytical gradient In --> uncomment self.test_gamma_gradient(sigmoid_slope_test=sigmoid_slope) in init

$ roslaunch rospygradientpolytope launch_robot_sawyer.launch
To test capacity margin gradient (UR5 Robot)

Fix all joints and move only one-joint "test_joint" and visualize simultaneously numerical gradient and analytical gradient In --> uncomment self.test_gamma_gradient(sigmoid_slope_test=sigmoid_slope) in init

$ roslaunch rospygradientpolytope launch_robot_ur.launch

Cable Driven Parallel Robots (CDPR)- Planar

To generate workspace of the CDPR with different sigmoid slopes (4-cable, 2-DOF)

Generate Wrench Feasible Workspace (WFW) by identifying where Capacity margin index = 0

$ python3
Simple First-order Gradient Descent Optimization (CDPR)
Start from initial pose and use analytical gradient to reach pose with maximum capacity margin
$ python3

Region-of-Interest Optimization (CDPR)

Optimization to operate CDPR within a ROI with obstacle avoidance

Plotting with matplotlib is slow in the current implementation, optimized code to plot is under development

$ python3


If you found this code useful, we would be grateful if you cite the following reference:

[1] K. Sagar, S. Caro, T. Padır and P. Long, "Polytope-Based Continuous Scalar Performance Measure With Analytical Gradient for Effective Robot Manipulation," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 7289-7296, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3313926.


  author={Sagar, Keerthi and Caro, Stéphane and Padır, Taşkın and Long, Philip},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={Polytope-Based Continuous Scalar Performance Measure With Analytical Gradient for Effective Robot Manipulation}, 

You can find the video accompanying for the article here

Youtube link for the video can be found here


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