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Add: AppUsageEventCollector #23

Add: AppUsageEventCollector

Add: AppUsageEventCollector #23

Workflow file for this run

## This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
## They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
## separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
## documentation.
## GitHub recommends pinning actions to a commit SHA.
## To get a newer version, you will need to update the SHA.
## You can also reference a tag or branch, but the action may change without warning.
#name: Publish package to GitHub Packages
# push:
# branches:
# - main
# contents: write # Allows writing to repository contents (e.g., pushing tags)
# release:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - uses: actions/setup-java@v4
# with:
# java-version: '17'
# distribution: 'corretto'
# - name: Setup Gradle
# uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@v3
# - name: Build Release
# run: |
# chmod +x ./gradlew
## ./gradlew assembleRelease
# - name: Create version tag
# id: create_tag
# run: |
# VERSION=$(./gradlew -q printVersion)
# echo $VERSION
# LATEST_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
# echo $LATEST_TAG
# if [ "$LATEST_TAG" != "$VERSION" ]; then
# echo "Creating tag $VERSION"
# git tag $VERSION
# git push origin $VERSION
# else
# echo "Tag $VERSION already exists"
# fi
# name: Release APK
# on:
# push:
# tags:
# - 'v*' # 태그가 v로 시작할 때만 실행됩니다. (예: v1.0.0)
# jobs:
# build:
# name: Build and Release APK
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout code
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Set up JDK
# uses: actions/setup-java@v3
# with:
# java-version: '17'
# - name: Build Wearable APK
# run: ./gradlew :wearable:assembleRelease
# - name: Build Smartphone APK
# run: ./gradlew :smartphone:assembleRelease
# release:
# name: Create GitHub Release
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: build
# steps:
# - name: Checkout code
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Create Release
# id: create_release
# uses: actions/create-release@v1
# with:
# tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
# release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
# draft: false
# prerelease: false
# env:
# - name: Upload APK to Release
# uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
# with:
# upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
# asset_path: smartphone/build/outputs/apk/release/smartphone-release-unsigned.apk
# asset_name: smartphone-release-unsigned.apk
# asset_content_type: application/
# - name: Upload APK to Release
# uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
# with:
# upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
# asset_path: wearable/build/outputs/apk/release/wearable-release-unsigned.apk
# asset_name: wearable-release-unsigned.apk
# asset_content_type: application/
# TODO: It should make 3 Android APKs: wearable, in-lab testing along with smartphone, and smartphone APK.