This is a docker version of MULTILAYER (tool for spatial transcriptomics analysis).
Do you want more informations about MULTILAYER ? Please visit MULTILAYER's GitHub.
Versions of libraries :
- numpy = 1.19.3
- matplotlib = 3.3.2
- pandas = 1.1.4
- scipy = 1.5.4
- scikit-learn = 0.23.2
- seaborn = 0.11.0
- networkx = 2.5
- python-louvain = 0.14
- pillow = 8.0.1
Docker should be previously installed.
Start Docker service
systemctl start docker
Check if Docker is active (it should be active)
systemctl is-active docker
Pull the docker image from DockerHub
docker pull hyperionju/spatial_multilayer
You should have now an image called 'hyperionju/spatial_multilayer', you can check with :
docker images
Need to allow the communication between Docker & X server (Graphical application)
xhost +local:docker
Then you can run and enjoy.
docker run -it --rm -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY hyperionju/spatial_multilayer