The Judopay library lets you integrate card payments into your Xamarin Forms project. It is built to be mobile first with ease of integration in mind. Judopay's SDK enables a faster, simpler and more secure payment experience within your app. Build trust and user loyalty in your app with our secure and intuitive SDK.
- Visual Studio 2019
- Xamarin Forms 4.4.0
- Xcode 11
- Android 10 (API 29) SDK and build tools 29
The SDK is compatible with Android 4.4 (API 19) and above and iOS 9 and above.
Add the Xamarin.Judopay
NuGet package to your .Net Standard 2.0 Library, Android and iOS projects.
In your Xamarin Forms page, create a new Judo instance:
var judo = new Judo
JudoId = "<JUDO_ID>",
Token = "<API_TOKEN>",
Secret = "<API_SECRET>",
Environment = JudoEnvironment.Sandbox,
Amount = 1.50m,
Currency = "GBP",
ConsumerReference = "YourUniqueReference"
Note: Please make sure that you are using a unique Consumer Reference for each different consumer.
iOS requires additional steps to get set up with the Xamarin SDK. See our wiki documentation for more information.
Create a PaymentPage to show the card entry screen for Payment:
var paymentPage = new PaymentPage(judo);
Receive the result of the payment:
paymentPage.ResultHandler += async (sender, result) =>
if ("Success".Equals(result.Response.Result))
// handle successful payment
// close payment page
await Navigation.PopAsync();
The Judopay Xamarin library supports a range of customization options. For more information on using Judopay for Xamarin see our wiki documentation.