In text mining, we often have collections of documents, such as blog posts or news articles, that we’d like to divide into natural groups so that we can understand them separately. Topic modeling is a method for unsupervised classification of such documents, similar to clustering on numeric data, which finds natural groups of items even when we’re not sure what we’re looking for.
A Topic Modeling Comparison Between LDA, LSA, and BERTopic to Demystify Transcripts of a Recorded Session
If there is one phrase that we will not forget long after 2020, it is “stay at home, stay safe.” The pandemic forced people around the world to stay at home to help curb the spread of the virus. Everyone who could do it started to work in remote environments. This has led to a surge in popularity for videoconferencing services like Zoom, Cisco WebEx, Microsoft Teams, or Google Hangouts Meet. This new social distancing culture has forced people to be creative about staying social through online meetings, with school, concerts, ceremonies, fitness programs moving from the real world to screens. Because we are having more virtual meetings in organizations than ever, joining all of them might be unproductive and time-consuming for executives and employees. So, in this project I tried to provide a simulation of a recorded meeting between an interviewer to business magnate, philanthropist, and co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, in order to provide topic summaries from that meeting/interview to those people who could not attend, using various topic modeling techniques. These techniques rely on statistical modeling to extract topical patterns within a collection of texts. For instance, since a semantic relationship exists between terms like “apple”, “pear”, and “mango” they could be formed under a topic called “fruit” in a text corpus (i.e., a collection of documents). Typically, documents contain mixed membership, which means that a mixture of topics exists in the corpus.
Appertaining to the insufficient knowledge of small corpus of documents (small dataset of the transcripts taken from the recorded session), this study thus aims to evaluate and compare the performance of three topic modeling techniques, namely, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), and BERTopic on a common dataset (20 Newsgroups) and on the recorded session transcripts corpus.
Specifically, LDA is a generative statistical model, LSA is a popular dimensionality-reduction technique that follows the same method as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and BERTopic uses an embedding approach.
For familiarization of the different topic modeling techniques and setting a benchmark for a common dataset, I used the well-known 20 Newsgroups dataset. The 20 Newsgroups dataset is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. The 20 newsgroups collection has become a popular dataset for experiments in text applications of machine learning techniques, such as text classification and text clustering. The next dataset (tedtalk_corpus dataset) was created for the purpose of this research. It is a transcript from a recorded session between an interviewer and Bill Gates. The subject of this interview, taken by the title, is: “The innovations we need to avoid a climate disaster” (the full interview is available at Using the Google Cloud speech-to-text API and implementation in python I was able to create a transcript of the recorded session. That transcript was then sliced into documents (sentences) to create the desired corpus for the implementation of the different topic models. On both datasets, text preprocessing was done using NLP modules in python. More precisely, stopwords were excluded, irrelevant text (e.g., numbers, abbreviations, and unknown characters) was removed, and tokenization was performed. Following this step, bigram (and trigram) and lemmatization were then conducted. The former process is combining two words (or three words in the case of trigram) frequently occurring together in the document to a single term (e.g., ‘oil leak’ to ‘oil_leak’), whereas the latter used to remove inflectional endings and to return a word to its base form (e.g., investigating to investigate). Lastly, the text was converted into term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weight for information retrieval based on the importance of a keyword.