I wrote this as a challenge to myself to learn making a discord bot. Through this process I've also improved as a coder. Though, you aren't here for all that, but for this discord bot.
The commands should all be visible using /help
To use this discord bot, you need to get yourself a discord bot token and save it in the TOKEN file. Then add the bot into your server and it will guide you through the rest (if you need any help).
The first step should at least be having 5 users in the discord server. 1 bot, 1 admin and 3 players
The general chat should be named "main" for the bot to function.
Why do you need to host the bot yourself? I do not want to go trough the hastle of trying to figure out how to make this python bot work for more than one server at a time. Hosting is not something I have time for.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 Jetlag_Tag.py
Leave them in the issues tab!