As the second project in Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree program, the commits made on this repo will demonstrate my abilities with using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a fully-functioning web-based game.
The below game description and project specification are based on Udacity's own guidelines for completing the project.
The game board is made up of 16 cards appearing as a grid. Each of the cards will feature one of eight different symbols (likely a CSS icon) and cards are meant to be matched according to the symbols. The game begins with all cards presented symbol-side face down. The gameplay turn rules are just like the classic game where you pick one card from the board to reveal its symbol and then try to find its match from the other cards remaining unmatched on the grid.
Each turn:
- The player flips one card over to reveal its underlying symbol.
- The player then turns over a second card, trying to find the corresponding card with the same symbol.
- If the cards match, both cards stay flipped over.
- If the cards do not match, both cards are flipped face down.
The game ends once all cards have been correctly matched.
You can view a deployed version of my Memory Game application at the following address:
The game randomly shuffles the cards. A user wins once all cards have successfully been matched.
When a user wins the game, a modal appears to congratulate the player and ask if they want to play again. It should also tell the user how much time it took to win the game, and what the star rating was.
A restart button allows the player to reset the game board, the timer, and the star rating.
The game displays a star rating (from 1 to at least 3) that reflects the player's performance. At the beginning of a game, it should display at least 3 stars. After some number of moves, it should change to a lower star rating. After a few more moves, it should change to a even lower star rating (down to 1).
The number of moves needed to change the rating is up to you, but it should happen at some point.
When the player starts a game, a displayed timer should also start. Once the player wins the game, the timer stops.
Game displays the current number of moves a user has made.
Application uses CSS to style components for the game.
All application components are usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers.
file is included detailing the game and all dependencies.
Comments are present and effectively explain longer code procedure when necessary.
Code is formatted with consistent, logical, and easy-to-read formatting as described in the Udacity JavaScript Style Guide.
Font Awesome - for incorporating specialized vector icons in the game's cards and UI
Google Fonts - for applying open source typographical font styling to the game's text content
Helper code for building the modal was referenced on CSS-Tricks at on July 2, 2018
Helper code for building the modal overlay was referenced from Codrops article, CSS Overlay Techniques, by Sara Soueidan at on July 2, 2018
Helper code for styling buttons of the modal was referenced on CSS-Tricks at on July 2, 2018
Helper code for updating the page's score counter was referenced at on June 29, 2018
Referenced helper code for updating the timer, and starting and stopping the timer from Udacity Student Leader, Chris N's post on the Slack Channel for this project (fend_proj_2). The full post can be found at this link: and was accessed on June 30, 2018.
Original code for version one of this project was built following Matthew Cranford's Memory Game Walkthrough which was accessed on June 21, 2018 from: