A bare-bones python script to quickly add a logo to photos.
In order to use the script, pillow must be installed:
pip install pillow
Once pillow is installed, try running the following in your command line:
python3 logo-adder-py3.py
Following the prompt, you should see the following using the 3 example photos:
This is logo adding tool, version 1.1
Enter a file name: logo-example-1.png
Enter the logo ratio to the image width: 10
Adding logo-example-1.png to example-3.jpeg...
Adding logo-example-1.png to example-1.jpg...
Adding logo-example-1.png to example-2.jpg...
3 files done in 0 seconds.
Available on Python 2.x and Python 3.x
Note that none of the example photos are owned by us.
Copyright (c) 2020 Allen Hsu, James Thibaudeau