This is the supervisor ("Team Slytherin") repo for task 2 of the "Analyzing Big Data Laboratory Course" at KIT in 2019. Students worked on two meta-learning-related subtasks:
- predicting (regressing) the difference in classification performance when using feature selection, given meta-data of the dataset
- predicting the runtime of a classification algorithm, given its hyper-parameter configuration and meta-data of the dataset
The repo provides files for creation of the meta-datasets, course-internal splitting, scoring, and demo submissions for that.
The code is written in R versions 3.5.3 and 3.6.0, using recent versions of all required third-party packages at that time.
The packages data.table
and OpenML
are required for the base functionality (preparing meta-datasets, creating data splits, creating demo submissions and scoring solutions).
Further packages are needed when training more sophisticated models and for additional meta-feature extraction.
can be used to determine if submitted prediction files and reproduced prediction files are equivalent.AddMFEMetaFeatures.R
downloads allOpenML
base datasets of (CSV-stored) meta-datasets and computes additional meta-features withmfe
, storing the enhanced meta-datasets again as CSV.doSNOW
are used for parallelization.AddOpenMLMetaFeatures.R
adds allOpenML
base dataset qualities to meta-datasets, storing the enhanced meta-datasets again as CSV.
The dataset comes from the experiments for
Post (2016): "Does Feature Selection Improve Classification? A Large Scale Experiment in OpenML"
On OpenML, this is study 15.
contains the inital code for download, exploration and some predictions. It is superseded by more specific files, which are more directly related to the concrete task.PrepareFSData
builds the meta-dataset from OpenML and prepares it for the task. All available OpenML "dataset qualities" are used as meta-features. The difference in AUC between features selection and no feature selection (for each base dataset and base classifier) is used astarget
, but the individualPerformance
for either approach is saved as well. Data objects are identified byclassifier
. The latter attributes also allow to retrieve the original base datasets and compute further meta-features. The final meta-dataset is saved as RDS and CSV, but the raw run (classifier performance) and dataset quality data are saved as well, so slightly different meta-datasets can be created easily without starting the whole download again.SplitFSData
creates splits for the students, similar to the DMC task. Currently these are cross-validation splits making sure that all entries belonging to the same base dataset go into the same fold.CreateFSDemoSubmission
creates valid submission files using a very simple baseline: always predicting zero difference between feature selection and not.ScoreForFSData
reads in prediction files from a directory, does some sanity checks and then computes the RSME regarding the ground truth.CreateFSXgboostSubmission
uses anxgboost
model without any hyperparameter tuning, having median imputation (fromcaret
) as the only pre-processing step.
The dataset was created explicitly for experiments on the influence of hyperparameters and is described in
Kühn (2018): "Automatic Exploration of Machine Learning Experiments on OpenML"
contains the initial code for downloading the data and some preparation for predictions. It is superseded by more specific files, which are more directly related to the concrete task.PrepareTuningData
builds the meta-dataset based on a downloadable CSV offered by the authors (in theory, one could also collect even more runs from OpenML). We use thexgboost
data (most hyperparameters of all base classifiers) and runtime (if greater than 1s - considering random fluctuation and wanting to use a relative measure for meta-performance) as prediction target. Seven very basic meta-features are included by default, but the dataset id can be used to get more information from OpenML. The final meta-dataset is saved as RDS and CSV.SplitTuningData
creates a holdout split, making sure that all entries belonging to the same base dataset go into either into train or test.CreateTuningDemoSubmission
creates a valid submission using the train median as baseline prediction.ScoreForTuningData
reads in a prediction file, does some sanity checks and then computes the MAPE regarding the ground truth.CreateTuningXgboostSubmission
uses anxgboost
model without any hyperparameter tuning, median imputation (fromcaret
) and simple feature engineering based on the expected time complexity.