Some time ago I saw an example of a website using the webGL library, I was captivated.
I was extremely intersted in learning this new thing and so I started researching it.
I read about GLSL, Three.js and Shaders and now that I have a basic understanding of the concept, It's time to start practicing.
This is a collection of cool ideas and stuff I wanted to try and learn as far as 3D web design goes.
I decided to use the Three.js library and more specificaly the React Three Fiber which is a React renderer for Three.js.
It has a lot of great helpers with the included library of drei and it can save you a lot of boilerplate.
Fake 3D effect on mouse move with the use of depth map. Similar to what Facebook is doing.
RGB shift on mouse move. When the cursor passes over the image it splits its color channels (Red, Green and Blue) depending the mouse acceleration.
Matrix of dots moving in space with a sine wave function.
Kinetic Typography example. The animation is just a glsl noise function but the posibilities are endless by just playing around with the values.
For the next one I found a cool image transition effect on dribbble that I want to try out.
Check it over here