Nightfall takes the apocalypse survival genre back to gamings roots by using text based choices to decide the faith of the settlement with RNG being a heavy factor.
Download the last release of the game here:
Current complete features that are working (Does not mean finished).
Day to Day System:
- Days pass by after a turn/action has been made. such as sending out scavengers, going to the market, fortifying your base or just skipping in general.
- Different Seasons affect the gameplay, amount of water/food your settlers need.
Random Events:
- 10% Rain (Acid (15%) / Normal(75%) ) - Acid rain affects the water units while normal rain adds to it.
- 5% Attacked by invaders. Damaging your defenses and possibly killing some settlers. (Although a reward of weapons and possibly surrendered invaders join your settlement).
- 5% Natural Disaster Systems - Dust Storms, Earthquakes have chances of affecting your settlers and defenses (along with your settlement health).
- 15% New Settlers join your settlement!
- 0.1% Nuclear Bomb.
- The player is able to send out scavengers as long as he has the required amount of settlers (min. 2 in settlement at any given time).
- Scavengers take a random amount of days (1-5) out in the wasteland and come back with food, water, metal, wood.
Settler System:
- Giving each individual settler their own stats/gender/name and perks.
- Choice to send out certain settlers to the wasteland depending on their skills.
Removal of overall health:
- As each settler will have their own health, I've chosen to remove the health of the overall settlement and instead keep it just with defenses.
Features soon to be released and are in the works.
Scavenging System Experience
- Scavenging now awards the player with experience that allows him to send out more scavengers, and increases scavenging loot!
Addition of building structures:
- Renaming "Rebuild Settlement" to "Settlement Management" allows the player to build structures (That require a certain amount of days depending on structure and keeps those settlers busy (Working Category).
- Able to create nuclear bunkers to take cover during a nuclear blast, though the settlement defenses will be wiped to 0.
- Buildings now include:
- Farms
- Bunker
- Crafting Houses
- Forges
- Water Pumps
- Settlers can setup a farm depending on the season and can harvest food every certain amount of days depending on the type of food.
Future features not in the works but have been planned for.
- New weathers that cause different sicknesses, require more food and have higher chances for certain random events. oh and weather-specific random events!
Addition of Diseases:
- Random Diseases could affect your settlers
- Only way is to get vaccinated by buying vaccines from the market or healing using medication (which takes days depending on sickness)
- Input Handling is Horrible lmao. (This is a main focus)
The game is currently being worked on by:
- Joey Nelson
- Joshua Ahimaz
- Darren Lim
Do note that any mention of percentage is equivalent to chance of such given happening. A Patchnotes will be created once we leave development version.
If you would like to voluntarily contribute to the game please contact me on discord at: Joshhh#6395