Create, generate and use your own number system with ANY characters.
🧬 Generator: Gives you the ability to select a base (a positive integer) for the number system, and based on it, you can input a character to represent each digit, these can be ANY valid Unicode character, like a letter, a number, an emoji, or a special character. Also, there are some presets that you can use, with common number systems.
🧮 Calculator: Based on the previously generated number system, you can make conversions from decimal to your own system, and from your own system to decimal.
🧠 How it works?: There is a section to learn how number systems works (bases, digits, conversions, ...), and a little about how the site code works.
Try it on my website: Number System Generator
Below the section, there are some number system presets that you can try: Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal, and Emoji 😀
Here you have to input the numeric base of your own numeric system (it must be a positive integer greater or equal to 2).
After that you need to input a character for representing each digit, it can be ANY Unicode character.
When you are ready with your characters, press the Generate button, click accept in the alert, and you will be redirected to the Calculator section.
Here you can use two operations or conversions:
Decimal system to your own system: In this section you must input a positive integer in decimal system (digits from 0 to 9), and the algorithm will show you the equivalent value in your created number system.
Your own system to decimal system: In this option you have to input a value from your own numeric system (sequence using all or some of your digits), and it will return you the equivalent decimal number.
Some information about how number systems works, and how conversions between different systems are made.
Izak Cancino
- GitHub: @IzakCancino
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