Dedicated server installer v1.21 Linux
(bfv_linded-v1.21-20041207.1627.run) -
Battlefield Vietnam Server Manager - v2.01 Linux
(BVServerManager201.tgz)are required for build this container image.
Can be download from here -> http://fizweb.elte.hu/battlefield/Battlefield-Vietnam/ or http://www.bf-games.net/downloads/category/73/server.html
Or may be found in BFV CD-ROM ??? (Only BFV Server for Windows found in BFV 1.20 CD-ROM. Server for linux is not inside.)
Don't have Battlefield Vietnam game itself ? You can buy in Amazon.com !!! You should buy it !!!
You can modify server settings by Battlefield Vietnam Remote Manager (BVRM).
Server Manager: admin / password
Server Console: UserName / DockerBFV
You must change Manager password after successful deploy.
Currently can not change password when you bind mount mods/bfvietnam/settings/ directory. So you should block 15667/udp port by firewall rule, or only permit access from IP address od your PC.