Welcome to the backend of DialogueDepot AI, a robust chat platform with real-time messaging and AI-generated responses. This Node.js backend is responsible for handling server-side logic, API routes, and interactions with MongoDB.
DialogueDepot AI is a MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) chat platform with Socket.IO for real-time communication. The backend integrates a Flask API with a pre-trained ML model for AI-generated responses.
- Node.js and Express.js: Backend server and API.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user data, chats, and messages.
- JWT and Bcrypt: User authentication and password hashing.
- Socket.IO: Real-time WebSocket communication.
- config/: MongoDB configuration files.
- controllers/: Logic for handling API requests.
- middleware/: Middleware for authentication and error handling.
- models/: MongoDB models defining data structure.
- routes/: API routes for user, chat, and message operations.
- server.js: Entry point for the Node.js server.
Clone the repository:
git clone <https://github.com/imambujshukla7/dialoguedepotai-nodejs> cd dialogue-depot-nodejs
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
- POST /api/user/signup: User registration.
- POST /api/user/login: User login.
- GET /api/user/search: Search for users.
- POST /api/chat: Create a new chat.
- GET /api/chat: Fetch user chats.
- POST /api/chat/group: Create a group chat.
- PUT /api/chat/rename: Rename a group chat.
- PUT /api/chat/groupremove: Remove a user from a group.
- PUT /api/chat/groupadd: Add a user to a group.
- ... (and more)
The backend is deployed on render, dialoguedepotai.site is the complete application.
We welcome contributions! Feel free to open issues, create pull requests, or provide feedback.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.