Powerful HKFree.org user and IP management system
Developed by powerful team - Evil, ZitnyP, Bkralik & pavkriz
- install PHP 7.2
- install https://getcomposer.org/
- install https://www.docker.com/get-started
git clone https://github.com/HKFree/UserDB.git
cd UserDB
composer install
cp app/config/config.local.DIST.neon app/config/config.local.neon
vi app/config/config.local.neon www/.htaccess docker-compose.yml
php bin/console migrations:continue
Please use editor or IDE that obeys .editorconfig settings
To activate formatting in VSCode, install extension "php cs fixer". The extension will obey the rules set in .vscode/settings.json
and .php-cs-fixer.dist.php
. Formatting will be done on every filesave.
Windows users: install PHP (8.3) and add to PATH, install composer globally, install package php-cs-fixer globally
Override environment variables defined in docker-compose.yml
using docker-compose.override.yml
when necessary. Don't forget that some settings are still present in app/config/config.local.neon
docker compose build
docker compose up
docker compose exec web composer install
docker compose exec web chmod 777 -R log
docker compose exec web chmod 777 -R temp
docker compose exec web chmod 777 -R vendor/mpdf/mpdf/tmp
cp app/config/config.local.DIST.neon app/config/config.local.neon
docker compose exec web php bin/console migrations:continue
Now the app is up and running in Docker on host's port 10107, PhpMyAdmin on host's port 10108.
If you don't know your docker's IP, docker-machine list
is your friend.
git pull origin master
composer install
php bin/console migrations:continue
# develop your freaking cool feature
git pull origin master
git push origin master
Useful stuff to fix several Nette's gotchas: Nedostatky Nette při přechodu ze Symfony2
Run git remote add production ssh://user@userdb.hkfree.org/opt/UserDB.git
first time (replace user with your username at userdb.hkfree.org).
Run git push production master
in order to fully deploy the app.
When something goes wrong, try to run (cd /opt/UserDB.git; hooks/post-receive)
manually on the server.
See git-hooks/post-receive.sample for more details what happens during deployment on server side.
Run php www/index.php app:update_locations
regularly in order to update users' locations based on their addresses.
Crontab record example: */5 * * * * (docker exec userdb php www/index.php app:update_locations) 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t userdb_locations
###Creating new change-script
docker exec -it userdb_web_1 php bin/console migrations:create s short-description-of-the-change
and edit the change-script created.
- s = structures (applied always)
- b = basic-data (eg. lists-of-values, applied always)
- d = dummy-data (eg. testing records, applied only when
is enabled, should not be run on production)
Make sure the cache is clean by running rm -rf temp/cache
and run
php bin/console migrations:continue
(while paying attention to deactivated debugMode
in order to apply the change-scripts to the DB configured in neon config.
As mentioned - when debugMode
is enabled (as is default), dummy data are loaded.
You can run php bin/console migrations:reset
in order to drop all tables in the database and create them from scratch running all
change-scripts. Run it on dev/test machine in order to test that the whole schema is completely described in change-scripts. DO NOT RUN IN PRODUCTION! WILL DELETE ALL DATA!
Before applying migrations to a database that was not versioned before, run the following code (it pretends that all initial change-scripts has been run):
CREATE TABLE `migrations` (`id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`group` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`file` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`checksum` char(32) NOT NULL,
`executed` datetime NOT NULL,
`ready` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
INSERT INTO `migrations` (`id`, `group`, `file`, `checksum`, `executed`, `ready`) VALUES
(1, 'structures', '2016-10-23-102733-new-init-schema.sql', '107a87552ba751e059e8197a4194ae5e', '2016-10-23 22:38:06', 1),
(2, 'basic-data', '2016-10-23-110900-new-init-data.sql', 'e26dba9c81ad0a52e875c1bc0fc13863', '2016-10-23 22:38:14', 1);
ALTER TABLE `migrations`
ADD UNIQUE KEY `type_file` (`group`,`file`);
ALTER TABLE `migrations`
Open swagger.yaml interactive docs and try some operations. You'll need the credentials (click Authorize in interactive docs). Create credentials in UserDB: Oblast - Zobrazit podrobnosti AP - Editovat - API klíče.
- Nette: New BSD License or GPL 2.0 or 3.0 (http://nette.org/license)
- jQuery: MIT License (https://jquery.org/license)
- Adminer: Apache License 2.0 or GPL 2 (http://www.adminer.org)
- Sandbox: The Unlicense (http://unlicense.org)
Known current issue: Wewimo not working, pear2/net_routeros
need to be fixed.
Consider updating Latte to 3.0 (?).