You can download a ZIP file containing the latest PyScan extension release or compile your own.
- You must have Python version 3.8 installed on the machine that will run the extension, and Python must be added to the Windows path. To add it: On your machine, in the system Environment Variables > User variables > Path, add a path to your Python installation directory, then restart your machine.
The latest version can be found in the GitHub repository, in the Releases section.
- Click on to download the extension.
- Add the extension to AppScan as described in section C below.
- You must be able to compile a C# Project.
- You must have 7-zip installed ( in the defult location(overwise you'll need to edit the post build even usage of 7zip).
- You must have AppScan Standard version 10.1.0 or later.
Skip Step 1 if AppScan Standard is installed in the default folder: "C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Standard"
Attach DLLs from AppScan install folder:
a) Open “PyScan.sln” with Visual Studio or other IDE of your choice.
b) Locate and right-click on PyScan project.
c) Click Add > Reference
d) In the Browse section, select Browse and add the following DLL from the AppScan folder:- AppScanSDK.dll
Under project properties you can optionally define the build output location. By default it is the working folder.
Click Build and your PyScan extension is created.
- In AppScan, go to Tools > Extensions > Extension manager.
- Click “Add extension from:” button, and select the “” file you created previously or downloaded.
- Restart AppScan for the change to take effect.
- If your scripts need a Starting URL and this is not configured in the scan on which you are running the script, you must configure it in Scan Configuration > URLs and servers.
- Click Tools > Extension > Start Pyscan.
- From the console that opens do one of the following:
- Open your Python file or module, and click Run > Run module.
- Write Python code in the console and run it.
Example 1: These steps will modify a fuzz word in the demo site requests, which will be printed to the console.
- In AppScan, open (Starting URL is already configured).
- Click Tools > Extension > Start Pyscan.
- From the console menu click File > Open, then locate and select “”(in the ZIP file you downloaded), then click Run > Run Module.
Example 2: These steps will run your user-defined tests with multiple payloads.
- In AppScan, open (Starting URL is already configured).
- Click Tools > Extension > Start Pyscan.
- From the console menu click File > Open, then locate and select “”(in the ZIP file you downloaded), then click Run > Run Module.
You can call AppScan SDK methods from your Python script. The SDK documentation is located in your AppScan Docs folder, which by default is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\HCL\AppScan Standard\Docs\AppScanSDK.chm"
All files found in this project are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.