Copyright © frank albert personal 2016-2018
This is a support for high concurrency net servers. You can use me
as a web service, a load balancing service and etc.
As a old ferric double click 666 game server
// set property strategy
GunNettySystemService.PROPERTY_MANAGER.setStrategy(new GunGetPropertyFromBaseFile());
// get a server instance
GunBootServer server = GunBootServerFactory.newInstance();
// set sum of thread
.setExecutors(10, 10)
// use steal work model (ForkJoinPool)
.registerObserve(new GunNettyDefaultObserve())
.onHasChannel(pipeline -> pipeline
.setMetaInfoChangeObserver(new DefaultGunNettyChildrenPipelineChangedObserve())
.addDataFilter(new GunNettyStdFirstFilter().setObserve(null))
.addDataFilter(new GunNettyCharsetInboundChecker())
.addConnFilter(new GunNettyStdFirstFilter())
.addDataFilter(new GunNettyExampleStopFilter())
.setHandle((GunNettyChildrenHandle) new GunNettyStringHandle())
.setHandle((GunNettyParentHandle) new GunNettyStringHandle())
.addNettyTimer(new GunTimerExample()));
server.timeManager().addGlobalTimers(new GlobalTimer());
Assertions.assertEquals(server.sync(), GunBootServer.GunNettyWorkState.ASYNC.state |
// running doTime
Yep. The next is playing the game!
telent [::]:1 8822
please double click 666
> 666
you have times: 10
If you want to install it on the local, please execute the following.
mvn clean && mvn install to install this project
If you want to make it as a web server, please use GunStdHttp2Filter
as GunNettyFilter
use GunStdHttpHandle
as GunNettyhandle
,even though you can writer the filter and handle that
belong to you.
The execute order is doRequest
of filters method -> handle
-> doResponse
of filters method.