This is a school project @hetic. The subject was creating a Japanese-like website with Symfony. Thanks to our teacher @Bunkermaster.
Requirements: To make this work you need to use PHP 7.0 and install/launch a mysql server (via Mamp for example).
To install this repo:
# Install the project locally
git clone
cd japanese-symfony
composer install
# Installing DB and update it
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update
# For hard reset use this command before the 2 above, it will delete your current DB :
php app/console doctrine:database:drop
# We also created a command to initialise a little work database :
php app/console app:initialise:db
# Launch the server
php app/console server:run
The project works sass and gulp. The views are in Resources/views and the scss files are in Resources/scss.
After running gulp sync
, scss files with compile automatically.
For views, public site views are in Resources/views/default. All views extends scss/base.html.twig, which contains header and footer. A folder by page is done, with a main file page/page.html.twig, and optionnal other views. This other views of /page must be included in the main file.
# Launch the server : will sync assets and launch symfony server:run command :
gulp sync
# Just the assets, without launching the server :
gulp watch
Commit messages must follow this guide : gitmoji | An emoji guide for your commit messages with in addtion 🙏 for merge conflict commits.
you can also add brackets to precise the subject of the commit.
exemple : git commit -m ":lipstick: [maid-page] made css for search bar"
Call uour branches with clear, short names. You can add a 'flag' to indicate the purpose of the branch : -New : new feature -Fix : fixing a bug -Hotfix : critical quick fix
exemple : git checkout -b New-Maid_entity
The command php app/console app:initialise:db
creates two test users.
username : testUser email : password : testpass
username : adminUser email : password : adminpass
Here is a list of custom commands we made to create/list our DB items easily :
# Create a Maid
php app/console app:maid:add
# Listing Maids
php app/console app:maid:list
# Create a restaurant
php app/console app:restaurant:add
# Create/import Images from local dir to DB and copy images in web/uploads/images
php app/console app:add_images
# Create a timeslot for scheduling
php app/console app:timeslot:add
Our team is called カワイイTV (KAWAII TV ). It is composed of 6 members:
- Marie-Alix LESELLIER | Developper Back-end @m-a-l
- Hadrien LEPOUTRE | Developper Back-end @H-L
- Alexandra COSSID | Developper Front-end @acossid
- Alexandre CHICHPORTICH | Developper Front-end @alexandrechich
- Blas ALVIZ | Designer @BlasAlviz
- Raphaëlle LIMOGES | Designer @lraphy