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JWT Authentication library developed and used by Goodrequest s.r.o.

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JWT Authentication Library

Authentication Library developed and used by the GoodRequest s.r.o. It is based on the express framework for Node.js runtime using JWTs. It is wrapper around passportjs library designed to minimize boilerplate. This library should take of the user authentication, it is divided into modules:

  • Login
  • Securing endpoints
  • Logout
  • Logout from everywhere
  • Refresh token rotation
  • Reset password
  • User invitation


npm i --save @goodrequest/passport-jwt-wrapper


import { initAuth } from './index'
import * as passport from 'passport'

initAuth(passport, {

invitationTokenRepository is used for saving and checking validity of invitation tokens. This means, that invitations can be cancelled.

passwordResetTokenRepository is similarly used to save and check the validity of password reset tokens. This can be used to cancel password reset.


Login / Logout / Refresh Tokens / Reset Password

import { Login, RefreshToken, PasswordReset, Logout, LogoutEverywhere, ApiAuth } from '@slonik923/passport-jwt-wrapper'

import * as postLogin from './post.login'
import * as postResetPasswordRequest from './post.resetPasswordRequest'
import schemaMiddleware from '../../../middlewares/schemaMiddleware'

const router = Router()'/login',

Methods that needs to be implemented separately

  • postlogin.workflow (and postLogin.requestSchema): user creation is not in the scope of this library
  • postResetPasswordRequest.workflow (and postResetPasswordRequest.requestSchema): Reset password email should be sent from this endpoint

Authentication Guard

AuthGuard is middleware which checks if the request includes valid access_token based on jwt extractor specified in the config. It needs to be used as function call: AuthGuard(), since it uses passport which is provided after this guard is imported to your project. Internally calls userRepository.getUserById to retrieve the user and when checkAccessToken is set to true, refreshTokenRepository.isRefreshTokenValid is caleed to find out if the access token is valid. Access token is not only valid, when refresh token issued with given access token was invalidated.


Config interfaces


	checkAccessToken: boolean
	passport: IPassportConfig
	i18next: i18next.InitOptions



passport: {
	local: {
		usernameField: 'email',
		passwordField: 'password',
		session: false,
	jwt: {
		secretOrKey: process.env.JWT_SECRET,
		api: {
			exp: '15m',
			jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromExtractors(
				[ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), ExtractJwt.fromUrlQueryParameter('t')]),
			refresh: {
				exp: '4h',
		passwordReset: {
			exp: '4h',
			jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
		invitation: {
			jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
			exp: '30d',



	preload: ['en', 'sk'],
	fallbackLng: 'en',
	ns: ['error', 'translation'],
	defaultNS: 'translation',
	detection: {
		order: ['header']
	backend: {
		loadPath: 'locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
	jsonIndent: 2
	nsSeparator: ':',
	keySeparator: false,
	returnNull: false

ENV variables

Library read from config using config package. Config needs to have properties specified in IPassportConfig interface.

ENV variable Development Production Note
JWT_SECRET required required development/test/production



  • Renamed workflow -> runer and endpoint -> workflow. See issue 69
  • Locked joi package version to v17.7.0
  • Added option to include user hash in getUserByEmail and getUserById method. See issue 58


This library is divided into modules:


Used for logging in users - exchanging user credential for access and refresh tokens. Exports can be found here.


Refresh tokens have longer validity tha access tokens and can be exchanged for new access and refresh token. Refresh tokens are used just once (refresh token rotation). Exports can be found here.


Module for securing endpoint. Guard is used to verify that request contains valid access token. Exports can be found here.


Endpoint for logging users out. This invalidates whole token family - one user session. Exports can be found here.


Endpoint for logging user out from every device (every session). Exports can be found here.


Module used for managing invitation tokens. User invitation is typically done by sending emails, which is not part of this library, so the endpoint needs to be implemented separately. Exports can be found here.


Module for resetting user passwords. Similarly to invitation, this is done by sending emails, so the endpoint needs to be implemented separately. Exports can be found here.

How does it work (Security perspective)

Each token types has different payload, expiration and audience.

Token types

  • Access Token:
    • Short expiration time (15m)
    • Stateless - not stored on the server
    • Cannot be invalidated
    • No need to access storage for every secure call to the API
    • payload: {uid, rid, fid} // userID, refreshTokenID, familyID
  • Refresh Token
    • Longer expiration time (hours)
    • Stored on the server
    • Can be invalidated
    • Used just once (refresh token rotation)
    • payload: {uid, fid, jti} // userID, familyID, JWTID
  • Invitation Token
    • Longer expiration time (hours)
    • Can be stored on the server (if the invitationTokenRepository is provided to the init function)
    • If stored can be invalidated
    • payload: { uid } // userID
  • Password Reset Token
    • Longer expiration time (hours)
    • Can be stored on the server (if the passwordResetTokenRepository is provided to the init function)
    • If stored can be invalidated
    • payload: { uid } // userID

Token family

Access and refresh tokens includes familyID. This is used to identify login flow. New familyID is given every time, user logs in (enter credentials), which means it identifies user session (from login to logout / expiration). This ID is also passed to every subsequent refresh token.

It is needed for implementing refresh token rotation, but it is also useful for differentiating sessions. When user (attacker) tries to use the same refresh token (RT1) second time, each refresh token issued based on RT1 needs to be invalidated. This means every refresh token from the same token family.


This library should be used in all GR products, so it needs to be highly customizable. Customization is achieved by a combination of technics.


Library needs access to users and user tokens, but the these are stored different for every project, so to archive compatibility repository pattern is used. When the library is initialized it needs repositories for creating / getting / invalidating user tokens (JWTs) and for getting users.

Helper functions

Another way to achieve for greater adaptability is to export helper functions which are used internally on each level. These helper functions can be used to create custom middlewares or endpoints.


Each of the modules exports its parts:

  • getToken[s]: Helper function for getting tokens (access, refresh, invitation, password reset).
  • guard: Passport.js authenticate function. Used as middleware to secure endpoints.
  • strategy: Passport.js strategy.
  • strategyVerifyFunction: Helper function used in the strategy.
  • workflow: Main function for every endpoint. Can be used to write custom endpoint / middleware.
  • endpoint: Whole express endpoint.
  • requestSchema: Joi request schema. Should be for schema validation for given endpoint.
  • resposneSchema: Joi response schema. Can be used for documentation.


Workflows - Endpoints

Express endpoints ((req, res, next)). They return object, typically JWTs. Need to be named workflow, so swagger documentation is properly generated.

  • Logout.endpoint: Returns just the message. Internally invalidates refresh token family.
  • LogoutEverywhere.endpoint: Returns just the message. Internally invalidates all users refresh tokens.
  • PasswordReset.endpoint: Returns just the message. Changes user password and invalidates all user refresh tokens, if userRepository.invalidateUserRefreshTokens method is provided.
  • RefreshToken.endpoint: Returns new access and refresh tokens. Used refresh token is invalidated, since this library is using refresh token rotation.


Internal function used by endpoint.


express middlewares (calls next function):


Function used in project specific middlewares, or endpoints.


Every module which exports endpoint also exports Joi requestSchema and responseSchema'/logout', ApiAuth.guard(), schemaMiddleware(Logout.requestSchema), Logout.endpoint)


This library also exports helper functions, enums and types. All exports can be found in the index.ts.

Constant time methods

Some methods can leak information about user based on the execution time. One of these methods is PasswordReset.getToken. It is accessible without authorization, so the attacker could find out emails of the registered users, which could be a problem for some applications. That why execution of this method should be more, less constant. Execution times before triage:

average execution time: 0.0087ms
average invalid execution time: 0.0008ms
average valid execution time: 0.0166ms

There is huge difference in execution time based on valid input vs. invalid input.

Execution times before triage:

average execution time: 0.0136ms
average invalid execution time: 0.0141ms
average valid execution time: 0.0131ms

Execution now takes more time, when the input is invalid, but that can change when passwordResetToken repository is used, since only valid tokens will be saved. Measurements heavily depend on the compilation and code optimization done by compiler, so in production this could vary. These numbers are average from 1000 iterations, after 10 000 iterations warm-up, so JIT compiler can do it's job. More on these tests can in the getToken.test.ts.