Script which deletes unused files. It is intended to be copied into your project and run in repeated cycles (by using cron).
- provided table has to have primary key which is sortable ('uuid', 'integer', 'bigint'), since it is used in cursor based iteration
- provided table has to have S3_CLEANUP_KEY_COLUMN provided by S3_CLEANUP_KEY_COLUMN_NAME env
- provided table has to have
column - provided table has to have at least 1 association
- marking unused (unassociated) files for deletion (soft delete files in provided table in database)
- script sets
timestamp to files which are not used to any record in any associated table - records in associated tables which are not (soft) deleted are considered as valid and therefore their files are not marked for deletion
- count of these files is stored in unused variable in result
- script sets
- removing (marked for deletion) files from AWS S3 and database
- this part is executed in serially processed chunks (1 chunk after another)
- in 1 chunk iteration, there are executed these steps
- 1000 files which were marked for deletion before 30 days are selected (1000 because it is limit for AWS S3 remove command)
- ASW_S3_keys are extracted from these files
- command to remove these AWS_S3_keys is send to AWS S3
- count of removed files (in AWS S3) is stored in removed variable in result
- errors from AWS S3 remove command are stored in errors variable in result
- files, which were removed in AWS S3 are removed from database (hard delete)
- if there are another chunks, they are processed next
⚠️ There is no transaction used in script, so if it fails in any step, previously executed steps will remain executed
- table name where files are stored
- column name which contains AWS_S3_key of file
- if S3_CLEANUP_KEY_COLUMN value contains some prefix/postfix with the AWS_S3_key, it will be removed to extract only AWS_S3_key
- for example if S3_CLEANUP_KEY_COLUMN value="", you should set S3_CLEANUP_KEY_COLUMN_BASE="" to extract AWS_S3_key="5f69d9e42d89b290bd80ae8d_test.png"