This is a python module that contains the A3C RL baseline agent for Grid2Op environment. This shows how the threading library can be used to train A3C algorithm specifically focused towards using the Grid2Op environment.
Authors: Kishan Prudhvi Guddanti, Amarsagar Reddy Ramapuram Matavalam, Yang Weng
pip3 install l2rpn_baselines
git clone
cd l2rpn-baselines
pip3 install -U .
cd ..
rm -rf l2rpn-baselines
Note: l2rpn-baselines module will install all the required python modules needed to run this A3C agent.
Please check the and for a working example.
- The current A3C code is not optimized for performance on Grid2Op environment. It is only a demonstration for usage of A3C algorithm on Grid2Op environment. Good exploration strategy is needed for better performance.
- Currently (6/1/2020), we could not find an existing A3C agent code that is compatible with tensorflow version 2.0/Keras and there are some open issues - (Issue 1), (Issue 2, Nric's answer). We fixed these issues.
"" - Trains the RL agent.
"" - Evaluates the RL agent.
"" - Visualizes the detailed performance of RL agent under various episodes (scenarios).
"" - Creates the environment. The user must use this file as a wrapper to create their environment and must not directly create the environment using grid2op.make() for the A3C code to create multiple environments. Alternatively, we strongly recommend check the MultiEnv inbuilt function from Grid2Op for future implementations.