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Releases: GlobalNamesArchitecture/gnparser


25 Sep 21:01
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  • Rearrange the codebase: gnparser core does not depend on JSON rendering library
  • Fix 463045a: minor issues with multiple year node rendering
  • Fix cfd9b1d: JSON snake_case is converted to camelCase
  • Fix 86fe367: spray-json is used for rendering, that drops redundant conversion in Akka-based servers of runner
  • Fix #381: cover TcpServiceConnection with Spec
  • Fix #471: Limit the size of input stream for CLI to 500K
  • README is synchronized with the project current state


06 Aug 20:44
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Fix #468, #469: handle out-of-range positions tracking


09 Jul 13:56
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  • Fix #463: the bug with positioning in the result JSON
  • Fix #438, #439: redirect service information to STDERR to ease the parsing from STDOUT
  • Fix #465: introduce json_pretty format flag
  • Fix #466: make file completely default command
  • minor bug fixes


22 Jun 14:19
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  • Fix #460: correctly preparse <i> tag
  • Fix #455, #435: correctly preparse of and not
  • minor bug fixes


10 Apr 16:48
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  • Fix #428: correctly parse nomenyae
  • Fix #429: don't parse ex as infraspecies
  • Fix #430: parse nvar. rank
  • Fix #431: parse "del" as part of authorship
  • Fix #432: fix author parsing (e.g. OS-2017)
  • Fix #433: revert punctuaiton parsing
  • Fix #434: support "emend." and "emend"
  • Fix #435: parse "& al." as a variant of "et al."
  • Fix #436: parse "apud" ("with") as a possible delimiter between authors
  • Fix #437: make filius less ambigous and normalise it to "fil." instead of "f."
  • minor bug fixes


06 Dec 14:51
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  • Fix #396: don’t parse forbidden strings
  • Fix #403: fix viruses patterns
  • Fix #404: handle ‘le’ as author prefix
  • Fix #402: don’t parse name with ‘of’ word inside (#417)
  • Fix #248: handle sp. correctly (#419)
  • Fix #405: handle ht and hort
  • Fix #415: don’t parse spec. and nov spec (#424)
  • Fix #408: fix virus pattern (#423)
  • Fix #399: fix handling numbers in beginning of word
  • Fix #400: don’t parse epithets with ‘.’
  • Fix #401: add more ranks and two-letter abbreviations
  • Fix #426: cleanup redundant comparison
  • improve speed of Util object
  • bugs fixes (#380)


28 Sep 18:39
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  • provide EmptyUuid for empty string in GN namespace
  • support emend in name (#382)
  • correctly parse str. for strain (#384)
  • parse -x in species names (#385)
  • names with not in uninomial/genus are not parsed (#379)
  • restrict abbreviated genera to 2 letters (#245)
  • minor optimisations, bug fixes (#380)


03 Jul 10:54
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  • support dash in specific epithet (#361)
  • migrate to CircleCI 2.0
  • minor bug fixes and more test coverage


02 Jun 13:23
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  • support bacteria names parsing (#322)
  • support hyphenated genus name with capitalized part (#320)
  • support Oe unicode character (#321)
  • handle lowercase subgenus (#328)
  • support input from STDIN and output to STDOUT (#346)
  • add el as author's prefix (#305)
  • support author with 't (#252, #255)
  • pv. (for pathovar.) is parsed as rank (#353)
  • socket usage (Ruby example) documentation is improved (#355)
  • parse von dem and v. (for von) as author prefix (#249, #329)
  • names with "satellite(s)" in the end are not parsed as viruses (#246)
  • handle variety for rank (#233)
  • all examples are tested during CircleCI build
  • parsing bugs fixes (#332, #330, #327, #326)


05 Oct 13:42
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  • add optionally showing canonical name UUID
  • API change: no more AST node ID
  • add year range to ast node
  • improve benchmarks
  • parse names ending on hybrid sign (#88)
  • fix: sometimes warning ids are broken (#147)
  • hybrid abbreviation expansions (#310)
  • raw hybrid formula parsing (#311)
  • move to CircleCI
  • minor improvements