##Description This python script extracts your calendar from Inna to create an iCalendar file that can be imported to iCalendar compatible application such as Google Calendar.
####Python 3.x Make sure you're running Python 3.x.
####iCalendar You need the iCalendar Python module which can be installed with the following command
sudo pip install icalendar
sudo pip install requests
##Usage ###Run the Script
python3 InnaCalendar.py
Enter your Username and Password for Inna.
###Output You will be left with an iCalendar file 'Calendar.ics' in the directory you ran the script
###Import Now that you have your iCalendar file you can import into any iCalendar compatible application such as Google Calendar.
#Bugs If you find any bugs you can either report it here on GitHub or email me Glitch@Glitch.is
#Author Glitch Glitch@Glitch.is