Welcome to GlareDB documentation 👋
Have feature requests or bug reports for GlareDB and/or GlareDB Cloud? We'd love to hear from you - please file an issue.
We welcome contributions and fixes to our documentation. For more information on contributing, see our Contributing guidelines.
GlareDB docs are built using Just the docs. The following are needed:
Once the above are installed, install jekyll and bundler:
gem install jekyll bundler
Next, install project dependencies:
bundler install
Finally, a local development server is started on localhost:4000
bundle exec jekyll serve
We have some optional tooling for linting that require Node.js LTS. See the
in package.json
for available tooling.
Lint and spell check configurations are available in cspell.json
and .prettierrc.json
# Checking spelling, formatting, and markdown lints.
npm run check:all
# Checks spelling
npm run cspell
# Checks code format
npm run format
# Attempts to automatically fix any formatting issues
npm run format:fix
# Checks code adheres to lint rules
npm run lint
# Attempts to automatically fix any lint violations
npm run lint:fix