C++ http client for web files downloading
Get sources & install:
$ git clone https://github.com/GimmeDanger/easy-get.git $ bash build.sh
Building script runs unit tests at the end:
url_construction_test OK parse_input_options_test OK parse_input_urls_test OK http_queries_simple_html_test OK http_queries_picture_test OK http_queries_video_test OK http_queries_pdf_test OK
usage : easy-get [OPTIONS] URL ... -n NUM: available number of threads -h : print help message and exit Expected URL format: http://HOSTNAME/[PATH]
Downloading a random video sample and picture:
./easy_get -n 2 http://mirrors.standaloneinstaller.com/video-sample/star_trails.mp4 http://st.kp.yandex.net/images/kadr/sm_2562186.jpg