OVERVIEW We have here, a positioning controller System with the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. It uses the Step Motor, coded 28byj-48, the Driver, coded uln2003 and an Incremental Rotary Encoder, coded ky-040. It also contains two mini printed circuit boards, for soldering of two smd leds in each one of them. They will signalize as to the stages of the Control Process operation : Direct drive and Reverse drive of the motor and if is occuring Recovery of the positioning by the motor, with the Control System, after an eventual fault of the electrical Power Supply. This project does not involve any Limit Switches, because it involves the use of an incremental rotary encoder. The Accuracy is equal to +/- 1 (one) pulse of encoder. VIEWING & DOWNLOADING THE VIDEO You can view the video 'Step Motor Control' in the Brazilian and English versions (downloads available only from the English version), at the links: https://youtu.be/vKYuhkvZ-ec?feature=shared (Brazilian v.) https://youtu.be/L1CZxgx3B20?si=s6bXeFy8mACiA8z3 (English v.) For a better viewing experience, see this video with the Maximized Screen ( device in the Horizontal position). DOWNLOADING THE SKETCH(CODE) & THE LIBRARY You can download the Sketch(Code), what already contains the Library RotaryEncoder-master (by Matthias Hertel - mathertel), directly from the GitHub Repository, at the following link (my Home Page): https://github.com/GilbertoCsar/Step_Motor_Control.git Create, firstly, a new folder in the explorer with the path : C:\Users\yourname*\Documents\Arduino\sketch_stepmotor10\
- yourname : is the owner's name of the computer. And then, move all the 6 files (unpacked) + 1 file(packed) to that new folder. One from those 6 unpacked files is the : sketch_stepmotor10.ino . The packed file is the RotaryEncoder-master.zip (it should be left so, packed). USAGE-APPLICATION Unexpected Operation When you would be to transfer the Sketch(Code) from the computer to the Arduino board (so making Upload), may be that the Software begins the run and stop by some few seconds : That's the enough, for the Control System, to recognize that has occured a pseudo-fault in the electrical Power Supply (due the brief initial stopping). In these cases, the Control System will assume the reverse Recovery Mode, lighting the smd stable blue led (at the left side of motor), when the upload finishes. Thus, how should I proceed? It's enough to wait by the smd stable blue led to turn to off; and then to press and let go once, the Stop Button. So, the Step Motor Control System will finalize with the motor's operation, at the final of that cycle (Direct/Reverse). Then, to start in fact, the motor's operation, you can press and let go once, the reset Button (on the Arduino board). Running the Sketch(Code) - Three Particular Cases You may Simulate, with this code, each one among 3 particular cases, as follows:
- One fault in the electrical Power Supply, occuring during the Direct Mode of the step motor, followed by another fault occuring in the Reverse Mode ( strictly in this order);
- One fault in the electrical Power Supply, occuring once, during the Direct Mode, only;
- One fault in the electrical Power Supply, occuring once, during the Reverse Mode, only. In order to begin again, each one of these cases, you should press and let go once, before, the Stop Button. As an example of this 1), you can see the Video, cited before, in this README.md LICENSE INFORMATION Hardware The Hardware is not released under any license till the present moment yet. Software The Code license is of the Beerware license kind.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I, Gilberto César Balthazar, thank To GitHub.com, Matthias Hertel,Ben Gray, Arduino.com, YouTube.com.br, Electrical e-Library.com,Microsoft, Google.com, Mercado Libre.com.br, Instituto Digital.com.br, Eugenio H.P., Universidade Estadual de Campinas(UNICAMP), Universidade Federal de Itajubá( UNIFEI), Escola Técnica Estadual de Segundo Grau 'Bento Quirino', Petrobras, Samsung, Motorola, Hp/calculators, Extra.com.br, Mastercard and Visa cards, Bank Itaú, Bank Mercado Pago, TIM, Net.Claro, the Feitosa married couple, Isabel C.B.(my syster), Cláudio H.B.(my brother), Zoraide B.B.(my mother), Gilberto C.P.B.(my father) and particularly, to God !