- General info
- Technologies
- Setup & Installation
- Running The App
- Features
- How to play
- Demo
- Status
- Contact
Snake game created in PyGame.
- Python 3.9.x
- PyGame 2.0.x
Make sure you have the latest version of Python and pip installed
Clone the repository using the following command
git clone https://github.com/Gamattowicz/Snake.git
Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
Active the virtual environment
Install all the project Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
- Saving information about last game to csv file
- Score and combo system
- Timer
- Leaderboard
- 3 available game mode
- 3 available game speed
- Control the snake using the arrow keys.
- Press Escape key if you want to pause game.
Project completed.
Created by @Gamattowicz - feel free to contact me!