Live Website Link
The Project is developed using NextJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, The app is responsive on smaller devices.
Email: Password: Admin@cadence123
TailWind CSS Framework and DaisyUI components
Some of the library's that was used in the project
- To preserve global state for master data
- To login and keep session for user
- To make dynamic paths for the website component
- To make private routing
- To redirect user
- To display messages
- To display icons
- To show statistics
The website consists of 6 main pages
- Home
- Login
- Register
- Donations
- Donation Details
- Dashboard
- Statistics
- My Donations
- Donations Statistics (Admin)
- All Donations (Admin)
- Add Donation (Admin)
- All Users (Admin)
- 404 Not Found
- Error Page
The Donation page is dynamic which changes based on selected donation Dashboard route is divided into 2 parts which changes based on user role
Features of the website
- Navbar can be used to navigate the website
- Navbar has conditional rendering based on user login and logout
- Homepage contains a Banner with search donation
- Homepage has featured donations section with a link to all donations
- Donations page lists all donations
- Donations page have category filtering that fetches data based on selected category
- Each donation card shows donation details title, category, image, organizer, start date, end date, raised, goal, to go amount
- Donation card have a donate now button which opens a confirmation for payment
- Donation card have a bar representing a stat of current donated amount
- Login page has email-password login option
- Register page has email-password registration option
- Logging in with google will always give user the buyer role
- Login has jwt and next-auth implemented for user session validation
- Footer has some dummy links and social media icons
- Logged in user will see a dashboard and the dashboard shows different routes based on user role
- Dashboard home shows the user name, user email and user role
- Statistics page shows a pie-chart that shows users donation and total donation
- All donations shows all donations card with title, category, image, start date, a edit button and a delete button
- Donations Statistics page shows a line-chart that shows total amount of donations made in last seven days
- The add button will open a add donation form fill and add a donation
- The delete button will open a confirm form to delete donation from the database
- All users page list all users with name, email and role
- Admin can make a user admin from here
- Custom 404 not found and error handling page