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DomainPartition::outputPartitionInformation() refacto new approach
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MelReyCG committed Jan 15, 2025
1 parent a6cb570 commit 5d24b9d
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 173 deletions.
309 changes: 136 additions & 173 deletions src/coreComponents/mesh/DomainPartition.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -325,197 +325,160 @@ void DomainPartition::addNeighbors( const unsigned int idim,

void DomainPartition::outputPartitionInformation() const
auto numberOfEntities = []( ObjectManagerBase const & objectManager )
using stringutilities::addCommaSeparators;

struct RankMeshStats
// Table rows will follow this enum ordering
enum StatIndex
Node = 0, Edge, Face, Elem
std::array< globalIndex, 4 > localCount;
std::array< globalIndex, 4 > ghostCount;
std::array< double, 4 > ratio;

auto fillStats = []( RankMeshStats & stat,
RankMeshStats::StatIndex statIndex,
ObjectManagerBase const & objectManager )
stat.localCount[ statIndex ] += objectManager.getNumberOfLocalIndices();
stat.ghostCount[ statIndex ] += objectManager.getNumberOfGhosts();

auto computeRatios = []( RankMeshStats & stat )
for( size_t i = 0; i < RankMeshStats::Count; ++i )
stat.ratio[i] = stat.localCount[i] + stat.ghostCount[i] == 0 ? 0 :
stat.localCount[i] / (stat.localCount[i] + stat.ghostCount[i]);

auto addLocalGhostRow = []( TableData & tableData, RankMeshStats const & stat, string_view heading )
return std::make_pair( objectManager.getNumberOfLocalIndices(), objectManager.getNumberOfGhosts() );
dataPartition.addRow( heading,
addCommaSeparators( stat.localCount[0] ), addCommaSeparators( stat.ghostCount[0] ),
addCommaSeparators( stat.localCount[1] ), addCommaSeparators( stat.ghostCount[1] ),
addCommaSeparators( stat.localCount[2] ), addCommaSeparators( stat.ghostCount[2] ),
addCommaSeparators( stat.localCount[3] ), addCommaSeparators( stat.ghostCount[3] ) );

GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( "MPI Partition information:" );
auto addSummaryRow = []( TableData & tableData, std::array< globalIndex, 4 > stats, string_view heading )
dataPartition.addRow( heading,
CellType::MergeNext, addCommaSeparators( stats[0] ),
CellType::MergeNext, addCommaSeparators( stats[1] ),
CellType::MergeNext, addCommaSeparators( stats[2] ),
CellType::MergeNext, addCommaSeparators( stats[3] ) );

GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( "MPI Partitioning information:" );

forMeshBodies( [&]( MeshBody const & meshBody )
meshBody.getMeshLevels().forSubGroupsIndex< MeshLevel >( [&]( int const level, MeshLevel const & meshLevel )
if( level!=0 )
// formatting is done on rank 0
vector< RankMeshStats > allRankStats;
allRankStats.resize( MpiWrapper::commSize() );

{ // Compute stats of the current rank, then gather it on rank 0
RankMeshStats rankStats{};
//TODO be sure that everything is init at 0
fillStats( rankStats, RankMeshStats::Node, meshLevel.getNodeManager() );
fillStats( rankStats, RankMeshStats::Edge, meshLevel.getEdgeManager() );
fillStats( rankStats, RankMeshStats::Face, meshLevel.getFaceManager() );

meshLevel.getElemManager().forElementSubRegions< CellElementSubRegion >(
[&]( CellElementSubRegion const & subRegion )
fillStats( rankStats, subRegion.getElemManager() );
} );

// get the number of local and ghost entities for each type
auto const [ numLocalNodes, numGhostNodes ] = numberOfEntities( meshLevel.getNodeManager() );
real64 const nodeRatio = ( numLocalNodes + numGhostNodes ) > 0 ? real64( numLocalNodes ) / real64( numLocalNodes + numGhostNodes ) : -1.0;
auto const [ numLocalEdges, numGhostEdges ] = numberOfEntities( meshLevel.getEdgeManager() );
real64 const edgeRatio = ( numLocalEdges + numGhostEdges ) > 0 ? real64( numLocalEdges ) / real64( numLocalEdges + numGhostEdges ) : -1.0;
auto const [ numLocalFaces, numGhostFaces ] = numberOfEntities( meshLevel.getFaceManager() );
real64 const faceRatio = ( numLocalFaces + numGhostFaces ) > 0 ? real64( numLocalFaces ) / real64( numLocalFaces + numGhostFaces ) : -1.0;

localIndex numLocalElems = 0;
localIndex numGhostElems = 0;
meshLevel.getElemManager().forElementSubRegions< CellElementSubRegion >( [&]( CellElementSubRegion const & subRegion )
auto [ numLocalElemsInSubRegion, numGhostElemsInSubRegion ] = numberOfEntities( subRegion );
numLocalElems += numLocalElemsInSubRegion;
numGhostElems += numGhostElemsInSubRegion;
} );
real64 const elemRatio = ( numLocalElems + numGhostElems ) > 0 ? real64( numLocalElems ) / real64( numLocalElems + numGhostElems ) : -1.0;

localIndex const values[8] = { numLocalNodes, numGhostNodes, numLocalEdges, numGhostEdges, numLocalFaces, numGhostFaces, numLocalElems, numGhostElems };
localIndex minValues[8] = {0};
localIndex maxValues[8] = {0};
localIndex sumValues[8] = {0};
MpiWrapper::allReduce( values, minValues, 8, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MpiWrapper::allReduce( values, maxValues, 8, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MpiWrapper::allReduce( values, sumValues, 8, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
localIndex const minNumLocalNodes = minValues[0];
localIndex const maxNumLocalNodes = maxValues[0];
localIndex const sumNumLocalNodes = sumValues[0];
localIndex const minNumGhostNodes = minValues[1];
localIndex const maxNumGhostNodes = maxValues[1];
localIndex const sumNumGhostNodes = sumValues[1];
localIndex const minNumLocalEdges = minValues[2];
localIndex const maxNumLocalEdges = maxValues[2];
localIndex const sumNumLocalEdges = sumValues[2];
localIndex const minNumGhostEdges = minValues[3];
localIndex const maxNumGhostEdges = maxValues[3];
localIndex const sumNumGhostEdges = sumValues[3];
localIndex const minNumLocalFaces = minValues[4];
localIndex const maxNumLocalFaces = maxValues[4];
localIndex const sumNumLocalFaces = sumValues[4];
localIndex const minNumGhostFaces = minValues[5];
localIndex const maxNumGhostFaces = maxValues[5];
localIndex const sumNumGhostFaces = sumValues[5];
localIndex const minNumLocalElems = minValues[6];
localIndex const maxNumLocalElems = maxValues[6];
localIndex const sumNumLocalElems = sumValues[6];
localIndex const minNumGhostElems = minValues[7];
localIndex const maxNumGhostElems = maxValues[7];
localIndex const sumNumGhostElems = sumValues[7];

real64 const ratios[4] = { nodeRatio, edgeRatio, faceRatio, elemRatio };
real64 minRatios[4] = {0};
real64 maxRatios[4] = {0};
MpiWrapper::allReduce( ratios, minRatios, 4, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
MpiWrapper::allReduce( ratios, maxRatios, 4, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
real64 const minNodeRatio = minRatios[0];
real64 const maxNodeRatio = maxRatios[0];
real64 const minEdgeRatio = minRatios[1];
real64 const maxEdgeRatio = maxRatios[1];
real64 const minFaceRatio = minRatios[2];
real64 const maxFaceRatio = maxRatios[2];
real64 const minElemRatio = minRatios[3];
real64 const maxElemRatio = maxRatios[3];

GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " MeshBody: " + meshBody.getName() + " MeshLevel: " + meshLevel.getName() + "\n" );
int const thisRank = MpiWrapper::commRank();

TableLayout layoutPartition( "Mesh partitionning over ranks",
.setName( "" )
.addSubColumns( { "Ranks" } ),
.setName( "Nodes" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Edges" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Faces" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Elems" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } )} );

TableData dataPartition;

// output in rank order

for( int rank=0; rank<MpiWrapper::commSize(); ++rank )
computeRatios( rankStats );
MpiWrapper::gather( rankStats, 1,, allRankStats.size(), 0 );

if( MpiWrapper::commRank() == 0 )
if( rank == thisRank )
TableLayout const layout( "Mesh partitioning over ranks",
.setName( "" )
.addSubColumns( { "Ranks" } ),
.setName( "Nodes" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Edges" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Faces" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } ),
.setName( "Elems" )
.addSubColumns( { "Local", "Ghost" } )} );
TableData tableData;

for( int rankId = 0; rankId < MpiWrapper::commSize(); ++rankId )
if( rank == 1 )
dataPartition.addRow( rank,
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numLocalNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numGhostNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numLocalEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numGhostEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numLocalFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numGhostFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numLocalElems ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( numGhostElems ));
if( rankId == 1 )

addLocalGhostRow( tableData, allRankStats[rankId], std::to_string( rank ) );

RankMeshStats sumStats{};
RankMeshStats minStats{};
RankMeshStats maxStats{};
// TODO : set minStats attributs @ maxvalues
for( int rankId = 0; rankId < MpiWrapper::commSize(); ++rankId )
for( size_t statId = 0; statId < RankMeshStats::Count; ++statId )
sumStats.localCount[statId] += allRankStats[rankId].localCount[statId];
sumStats.ghostCount[statId] += allRankStats[rankId].ghostCount[statId];
sumStats.ratio[statId] += allRankStats[rankId].ratio[statId];

minStats.localCount[statId] = std::min( minStats.localCount[statId], allRankStats[rankId].localCount[statId] );
minStats.ghostCount[statId] = std::min( minStats.ghostCount[statId], allRankStats[rankId].ghostCount[statId] );
minStats.ratio[statId] = std::min( minStats.ratio[statId], allRankStats[rankId].ratio[statId] );

maxStats.localCount[statId] = std::max( maxStats.localCount[statId], allRankStats[rankId].localCount[statId] );
maxStats.ghostCount[statId] = std::max( maxStats.ghostCount[statId], allRankStats[rankId].ghostCount[statId] );
maxStats.ratio[statId] = std::max( maxStats.ratio[statId], allRankStats[rankId].ratio[statId] );

addLocalGhostRow( tableData, sumStats, "sum" );
addLocalGhostRow( tableData, minStats, "min" );
addLocalGhostRow( tableData, maxStats, "max" );

std::array< globalIndex, 4 > localGhostSum;
std::array< double, 4 > localTotalMinRatio;
std::array< double, 4 > localTotalMaxRatio;
for( size_t statId = 0; statId < RankMeshStats::Count; ++statId )
localGhostSum[statId] = sumStats.localCount[statId] + sumStats.ghostCount[statId];
localTotalMinRatio[statId] = std::min( sumStats.ratio[statId], sumStats.ratio[statId] );
localTotalMaxRatio[statId] = std::max( sumStats.ratio[statId], sumStats.ratio[statId] );
addSummaryRow( tableData, localGhostSum, "sum(total)" );
addSummaryRow( tableData, localTotalMinRatio, "min(local/total)" );
addSummaryRow( tableData, localTotalMaxRatio, "max(local/total)" );


dataPartition.addRow( "sum",
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumGhostNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumGhostEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumGhostFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalElems ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumGhostElems ));
dataPartition.addRow( "min",
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumLocalNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumGhostNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumLocalEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumGhostEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumLocalFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumGhostFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumLocalElems ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( minNumGhostElems ));
dataPartition.addRow( "max",
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumLocalNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumGhostNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumLocalEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumGhostEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumLocalFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumGhostFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumLocalElems ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( maxNumGhostElems ));


dataPartition.addRow( "sum(total)",
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalNodes + sumNumGhostNodes ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalEdges + sumNumGhostEdges ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalFaces + sumNumGhostFaces ),
stringutilities::addCommaSeparators( sumNumLocalElems + sumNumGhostElems ));
dataPartition.addRow( "min(local/total)",
minElemRatio );
dataPartition.addRow( "min(local/total)",
maxElemRatio );

TableTextFormatter logPartition( layoutPartition );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( logPartition.toString( dataPartition ));

TableTextFormatter logPartition( layout );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( logPartition.toString( tableData ));
} );
} );


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