- 투표기반 SNS 웹프로젝트
- 개발 인원 6명 : FE 3명 + BE 3명
- 프로젝트 기간 : 2022.02.10 ~ 2022.05.30
- React + TypeScript
영감을 준 레퍼런스
- Youtube의 투표 기능
- Youtube나 Twitter의 투표 시스템에 영감을 받아 개발함
게시글 조회
게시글 쓰기
- 로그인 & 로그아웃
- 회원가입 & 회원탈퇴
- 무한스크롤 실시간 게시글 조회
- 카테고리별 게시글 작성 & 조회
- 게시글 작성 시 사진 첨부, 투표항목 최대 4개
- 팝업을 통해 게시글 자세히 보기
- 팝업에서 댓글 작성 & 조회
- 게시글 검색
- 투표수기반 Trend 제공
- 내가 쓴 게시글 목록 조회
- 최근 투표한 게시글 조회
- PC/태블릿/모바일 반응형웹 지원
| index.tsx
| react-app-env.d.ts
| reportWebVitals.ts
| setupTests.ts
| images.ts
| | App.tsx
| |
| +---common
| | \---PopUp
| | | PopUp.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | popUp.css
| | popUp.css.map
| | popUp.scss
| |
| +---Header
| | | Header.tsx
| | | logo.jpg
| | | logo.svg
| | |
| | +---components
| | | UserBoard.tsx
| | | UserInfo.tsx
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | HeaderContainer.tsx
| | | UserBoardContainer.tsx
| | | UserInfoContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | header.css
| | header.css.map
| | header.scss
| | userBoard.css
| | userBoard.css.map
| | userBoard.scss
| | userInfo.css
| | userInfo.css.map
| | userInfo.scss
| |
| +---Loader
| | | Loader.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | loader.css
| | loader.css.map
| | loader.scss
| |
| +---Login
| | | Login.tsx
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | LoginContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | login.css
| | login.css.map
| | login.scss
| |
| +---ScrollView
| | | ScrollView.tsx
| | |
| | +---components
| | | | Block.tsx
| | | | BlockPopUp.tsx
| | | | CommentScrollView.tsx
| | | | ImagePopUp.tsx
| | | | ProgressBar.tsx
| | | | VoteView.tsx
| | | | WritePopUp.tsx
| | | |
| | | \---css
| | | Block.css
| | | Block.css.map
| | | Block.scss
| | | BlockPopUp.css
| | | BlockPopUp.css.map
| | | BlockPopUp.scss
| | | CommentScrollView.css
| | | CommentScrollView.css.map
| | | CommentScrollView.scss
| | | imagePopUp.css
| | | imagePopUp.css.map
| | | imagePopUp.scss
| | | VoteView.css
| | | VoteView.css.map
| | | VoteView.scss
| | | WritePopUp.css
| | | WritePopUp.css.map
| | | WritePopUp.scss
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | BlockContainer.tsx
| | | BlockPopUpContainer.tsx
| | | CommentScrollViewContainer.tsx
| | | ImagePopUpContainer.tsx
| | | PopUpVoteViewContainer.tsx
| | | ScrollViewContainer.tsx
| | | VoteViewContainer.tsx
| | | WritePopUpContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | scrollView.css
| | scrollView.css.map
| | scrollView.scss
| |
| +---SideBoard
| | | SideBoard.tsx
| | |
| | +---components
| | | LastBoard.tsx
| | | TopBoard.tsx
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | LastBoardContainer.tsx
| | | SideBoardContainer.tsx
| | | TopBoardContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | sideBoard.css
| | sideBoard.css.map
| | sideBoard.scss
| |
| +---SideNavigation
| | | SideNavigation.tsx
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | SideNavigationContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | sideNavigation.css
| | sideNavigation.css.map
| | sideNavigation.scss
| |
| +---SignUp
| | | SignUp.tsx
| | |
| | +---containers
| | | SignUpContainer.tsx
| | |
| | \---css
| | signUp.css
| | signUp.css.map
| | signUp.scss
| |
| \---Test
| | Test.tsx
| |
| \---containers
| TestContainer.tsx
| | usePopUp.ts
| | useRootRoute.ts
| |
| \---Auth
| useAuth.ts
| \---api
| api.ts
| | RootNavigation.tsx
| |
| +---components
| | LoginNavigation.tsx
| | MainNavigation.tsx
| |
| \---containers
| LoginNavigationContainer.tsx
| MainNavigationContainer.tsx
| RootNavigationContainer.tsx
| | rootReducer.ts
| |
| +---popUp
| | | actions.ts
| | | reducers.ts
| | |
| | \---modules
| | actionsTypes.ts
| |
| \---routes
| \---rootRoute
| | actions.ts
| | reducers.ts
| |
| \---modules
| actionTypes.ts
| \---css
| core.css
| core.css.map
| core.scss
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.2",
"@testing-library/react": "^12.1.3",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^13.5.0",
"@types/jest": "^27.4.1",
"@types/node": "^16.11.26",
"@types/react": "^17.0.39",
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.11",
"@types/react-redux": "^7.1.22",
"@types/react-router-dom": "^5.3.3",
"axios": "^0.26.1",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-redux": "^7.2.6",
"react-router-dom": "^6.2.1",
"react-scripts": "5.0.0",
"redux": "^4.1.2",
"redux-devtools-extension": "^2.13.9",
"redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.5.5",
"web-vitals": "^2.1.4"
박희연 (https://github.com/abrightkite)
이장훈 (https://github.com/bh2980)
엄지영 (https://github.com/thumbzzero)
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.