this class houses a binary tree, small test included
the binary tree is made up of a Node class with the following elements:
- double val; <- value stored in the node
- Node * Left; <- pointer to left node (NULL if not initialized)
- Node * Right; <- pointer to next right node(also NULL if not initialized)
Functions provided by Node class:
- Search <- looks for the
- IsBigger <- looks for any bigger Value in the tree than the given
- IsSmaller <- looks for any smaller value in the tree than given
- HowMany <- looks for the number of occunrences of the given value and returns the number
- Sum <- Gets the sum of all node values !!!! Not Tested Yet!!!!
- NumOfNodes <- Counts the sum of Nodes in the tree !!!! Not tested !!!!
- Average <- gets the NumOfNodes and the sum and calculates the verage !!!!Not Tested Yet !!!!