GitLabBack is a tool to backup your git repositories from GitLab to your disk.
GitLabBack creates a backup by cloning repositories from GitLab. If the backup already exists, GitLabBack will pull changes instead of cloning the repositories. However, if git fails to pull new changes from GitLab, GitLabBack will delete the backup and clone it again.
$ ./GitLabBack
$ ./GitLabBack -h
Usage of GitLabBack:
-config string
Config path (default "~/.gitlabback")
-dir string
Backup directory
Enable ssh clone
-token string
GitLab token
-url string
GitLab server base url
Default configuration file is ".gitlabback".
- baseURL Link to GitLab server (default:
- token Private token
- backupdir Your backup directory
- ssh Clone with ssh (token is not needed)
{"baseURL":"","token":"YOUR TOKEN","backupdir":"","ssh":false}
If you have Golang 1.11.x+ installed, you can clone the repository and:
$ go build
To ease the compilation process, the developer can use the provided Makefile.
$ make # builds for linux and windows
$ make linux # builds for linux
$ make windows # builds for windows
$ GOARCH=arm64 make linux # builds for arm64 linux
Start off from fresh build.
$ make clean # removes go binaries