Integration of some functions to use Pennylane Dataset with Qiskit.
Pennylane has a library of quantum dataset for various molecules here, that include the hamiltonian ready for Pennylane circuit. For example, you can download the dataset for the H2 molecule:
H2dataset ="qchem", molname="H2", bondlength=0.742, basis="STO-3G")[0]
You can access the pannylane hamiltonian:
pennylane_hamiltonian = H2dataset.hamiltonian
And you can convert it to a Qiskit hamiltonian simply
qiskit_hamiltonian = to_qiskit_pauli_hamiltonian(pennylane_hamiltonian)
The Qiskit hamiltonian can be directly used as observable for the Estimator Primitive.
This function can be used only with Pauli Hamiltonian, like the ones in the Quantum Dataset