DECOMISSIONED See Basic TME Transformer instead
Retrieves Genres taxonomy from TME and transforms the genres to the internal UP json model. The service exposes endpoints for getting all the genres and for getting genre by uuid.
go get
--tme-username="" TME username used for http basic authentication ($TME_USERNAME)
--tme-password="" TME password used for http basic authentication ($TME_PASSWORD)
--token="" Token to be used for accessing TME ($TOKEN)
--base-url="http://localhost:8080/transformers/genres/" Base url ($BASE_URL)
--tme-base-url="" TME base url ($TME_BASE_URL)
--port=8080 Port to listen on ($PORT)
--maxRecords=10000 Maximum records to be queried to TME ($MAX_RECORDS)
--slices=10 Number of requests to be executed in parallel to TME ($SLICES)
With Docker:
docker build -t coco/genres-transformer .
docker run -ti --env BASE_URL=<base url> --env TME_USERNAME=<foo> --env TME_PASSWORD=<bar> --env TOKEN=<foobar> --env PORT=8080 --env MAX_RECORDS=1000 --env SLICES=10 coco/genres-transformer