└── README.md
├── main.py main programe
└── KPI.py evaluation
To test the program, run main.py
to get the transaction csv Record.csv
python main.py
To set the parameters in main, run
python main.py --product product_name --stop_loss_rate stop_loss_rate --finish_time time(HHMMSSffffff) --QTY quantity
Here is an example to perform 2330.TW:
python main.py --product '2330' --stop_loss_rate 0.03 --finish_time '103000000000' --QTY 1
Calculate 1, 5 and 20 days average prices to find Golden cross, Death cross
- Golden cross (a20 < a5 < a1): Long
- Death cross (a20 > a5 > a1): Short
if BS == 0: # 手上沒股票
cost = 0
profit = 0
else: # 手上有股票,計算利潤
# 利潤 = 價差 - 成本(手續費+交易稅)
profit = (float(Price) - float(open_price)) * 1000 * args.QTY - \
(round(float(Price) * 1000 * (args.tax_rate + args.handling_fee) * args.QTY) + cost)
# 手中沒股票,且在門檻時間以前。 若價格小於基礎價格買入。
if Price == open_price and BS == 0 and Time < args.finish_time:
open_price = Price
w.writerow([args.product, 'B', Date, str(Time), Price, args.QTY, ])
cost = round(float(Price) * 1000 * args.handling_fee * args.QTY) # 買入成本
BS = BS + 1
# 手中有股票,且在門檻時間以前。 若利潤(價差) > 0 賣出
elif profit > 0 and BS > 0 and Time < args.finish_time:
w.writerow([args.product, 'S', Date, str(Time), Price, args.QTY, ])
BS = BS - 1
# 超過門檻時間 (價格浮動期),且還未平倉,找後面時間有利潤 > 0的賣出。 結束今天買賣
elif profit > 0 and BS > 0 and Time >= args.finish_time:
w.writerow([args.product, 'S', Date, str(Time), Price, args.QTY, ])
BS = BS - 1
# break
# 超過門檻時間 (價格浮動期),且還未平倉,並到達停損點,趕快賣出。 結束今天買賣
elif 0 > profit and float(Price) < float(open_price) * args.stop_loss_rate and BS > 0 \
and Time >= args.finish_time:
w.writerow([args.product, 'S', Date, str(Time), Price, args.QTY, ])
BS = BS - 1
# 超過門檻時間 (價格浮動期),且還未平倉,以收盤價賣出。 結束今天買賣
elif BS > 0 and Time == data[len(data) - 1][0]:
close = data[len(data) - 1][2]
w.writerow([args.product, 'S', Date, str(Time), close, args.QTY, ])
BS = 0
To evaluate the report, run KPI.py
to get the result csv: KPI.csv
python KPI.py
Our KPI result KPI.csv
is showed bellow:
總損益 | 總交易次數 | 平均損益 | 勝率 | 獲利因子 | 賺賠比 | 最大資金回落 | 夏普比率 | 是否超額交易 |
1509853 | 874 | 1727.5256 | 0.638 | 3.179 | 1.801 | 585472 | 0.368 | 否 |
- Preliminary written report: 書面報告.pdf
If you have any question, please contact:
- Chi-Mao Fan: qaz5517359@gmail.com
- Yu-Fang Huang: lin12099@yahoo.com.tw
- Kai-Hua Yeh: kateyehyeh@gmail.com
- Wei-Hsiang Liao: zxc741852741@gmail.com
- Li-Chi Lan: bluepro6726abc@gmail.com