More info in this thread:
Make sure you cloned the repo with submodules (--recursive
), otherwise you can fix it with:
git submodule update --init
On Ubuntu you can apt install arduino
to get the SDK, then just type:
Arduino-Makefile has a bunch of options (try make help
). This one does 99% of what you need (including rebuild):
make upload
If you need to specify another device (autodetect failed):
make DEVICE_PATH=/dev/ttyUSB0 upload
Note that baud rate 115200 is used here. If you need to change it, the programming baud rate is set by AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE
in the Makefile
Of course you can also do all of this in the official IDE... ;-) You will need the FastLED and NeoHWSerial libraries.
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Proceed at your own risk. This will void your warranty. Not endorsed by Stern. Author is not liable for any damage!
The game console needs to be wired to the Arduino's UART. For this there are 2 options:
- Use a ttyUSB device (USB-serial converter) which is supported by the game's kernel (FTDI chips are).
- Use the (unpopulated) CN2 connector on the carrier board.
⚠️ The CN2 connector is wired to the i.MX6's UART which does not tolerate 5V. There is a voltage divider on the RX path (see carrier schematic), but be careful with voltage levels!
The easiest option is probably the first one, use something like this with an Arduino Nano:
If going for the CN2 option, note that the i.MX6 won't drive the UART very vigorously, and the cable is quite long. Thus any pull-up resistors on the Arduino will scramble the RX line. On my nano, I had to remove both the LED resistor, and the series resistor on the programmer's serial line (i.e. breaking the ability to reprogram the board until restored). YMMV
The game console is disabled by default. To enable it, you must edit:
which on my game is a symlink to spk/packages/spike-2_0_18/etc/init.d/game_console
If you want to use CN2 change it to:
If you're using a USB-serial device, change it to:
⚠️ If the game doesn't boot (hangs on the Stern logo with "Initializing..."), it may be because the USB device isn't present/recognised.