Rapid ROS2 network code-generation and visualization, through a rqt_graph-like interface. Running on your browser with the power of React and Konva.js.
- ROS2, is the default platform of choice for open-source robot development. However, the breadth and depth of existing documentation can be daunting for the ROS beginner.
- This projects aims to lower the barrier of entry to ROS2, enabling a less code intensive workflow while the user is still familiarizing himself with key aspects of ROS 2.
- Select the desired tool on the left bar.
- Double click on an empty space and write to create the component.
- Click the connection tool and then click the node and topic to connect.
- Click on a component (without the connection tool) to see it's details.
- Use the top right menu too add and switch pakages (package to be used marked with dark gray)
- React
- Konva.js
- Ant Design
- Create nodes and topics.
- Create a complex Pub-Sub system.
- Manage your network between different packages to create distributed networks.
- Export your created network to Python code to further develop.
It is recommended to be used through Github Pages, but you are free to download the sourcecode to improve or add features.
- Download or fork the repo.
- Install the requiered dependencies through npm. (currently requires --force)
- Start a deployment server through npm start or create a
In Progress, although not in active development.
- Switch to a React state management library to improve performance and codebase mantainability.
- Add Services
- Add Actions
- Custom topic types
- This project was inspired by the rqt_graph visualization plugin and VPL's.
Any issues / suggestions / comments / questions, please contact me at