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Releasing checklist

Yang Yang edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 4 revisions

Release new xud-docker version

  1. Update utils version. Create a release PR branch named chore/release-xx-xx-xx. The commit message should be "chore: release version xx.xx.xx"
  2. Merge the release PR
  3. Create a Git tag YY.MM.dd with release notes on GitHub
  4. Build utils from Discord #xud-docker-bot channel with command .build utils
  5. Create and push manifest list
docker manifest create exchangeunion/utils:xx.xx.xx --amend exchangeunion/utils:latest__x86_64 --amend exchangeunion/utils:latest__aarch64
docker manifest push exchangeunion/utils:xx.xx.xx

N.B. Docker manifest is an experimental feature. Use export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled to enabled it temporarily.

Update image version

  1. Update image/name/
  2. Update version in image/utils config/