QL is a simple Domain Specific Language for questionaires that was developed for the Generic Language Theory course (2IMP20) at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
- Variable types
, andstring
- Simple Questions that require user input:
"<string|Description>" <string|VariableName>: <type|VariableType>
- Computed Questions that operate on previously defined variables:
"<string|Description>" <string|VariableName>: <type|VariableType> = <type|Operation>
- If-blocks:
if (<boolean|Guard>) { }
- If-else-blocks:
if (<boolean|Guard>) { } else { }
- Blocks:
{ }
form codeExample {
"What is your name?" name: string
"What is your age?" age: integer
if (age >= 16) {
"Have you earned your driver's license?" license: boolean
if (license) {
"At what age did you earn your driver's license?" driverAge: integer
"You have had your driver's license for this many years: " years: integer = driverAge - age
} else {
if (age >= 14) {
"Don't forget that you can earn your diver's license when you're this old in the Netherlands:" minLicenseAge: integer = 16
- Code highlighting
- Type Checking
- References to undefined questions
- Duplicate question declarations with different types
- Conditions that are not of the type
- Operands of invalid type to operators
- Duplicate question descriptions (shows a warning)
- Flattening a questionaire (right-click in the editor)
- Renaming a variable (right-click in the editor)
- Compiling to Javascript/HTML (save any .ql-file and look for the generated JS/HTML files in the same directory as the .ql-file)
The following errors are not reported:
- A variable is used outside its scope
- A variable is used before it is defined
To run the IDE, open any source file and then open a new Rascal terminal. Type import IDE;
and then main();
. Opening any .ql-file now utilises the IDE.
The following software was used to develop QL. Note that higher versions will probably also work, though those were untested.
- Eclipse (4.13.0)
- Rascal Plugin for Eclipse (0.16.2; Stable). Can be installed in Eclipse using the Help -> Install New Software option.