This repository contains a PDDL (Planning Domain Definition Language) project for monitoring construction sites using robots equipped with various sensors. The project involves defining a domain and a problem where robots move around a construction site, collect data using different sensors, process this data, and update a Building Information Model (BIM).
In this project, we use PDDL to model a construction monitoring scenario. Robots move between different locations on a construction site, use sensors to collect data, process this data, and update the BIM. The project demonstrates the use of PDDL to define actions, predicates, and goals for automated planning.
The domain defines the types, predicates, and actions involved in the construction monitoring scenario:
- Types: Robot, Location, Configuration, Sensor, Analysis
- Predicates:
: Location of the robotconnected
: Connectivity between locationsstable
: Stability status of the robotinspected
: Inspection status of a locationmanipulator_extended
: Manipulator statessensors_on
: Sensor statesdata_collected
: Data collection and processing statesstructural_integrity_analyzed
: Analysis statusesinitial_inspection_done
: Inspection statusesdata_formatted
: Reporting statuses
The problem file specifies the initial state and goals for the construction monitoring scenario:
- Objects: Robot, locations, configurations, and sensors
- Initial State: The robot's starting location, connectivity between locations, initial states of the manipulator and sensors, and initial inspection counts
- Goals: Complete inspections, analyze data, process data, update BIM, and return to the starting location
To work with this project, you need a PDDL solver that supports BFWS. Here are the steps to set up the project:
Clone the repository:
git clone
To run the planner with the provided PDDL files using the Planning.Domains editor:
Go to the Planning editor .
Create a new project and upload the domain.pddl
(domain file) and problem.pddl
(problem file).
Select the BFWS planner from the available planners.
Run the planner to solve the problem.
: The PDDL domain file defining the construction monitoring domain.
: The PDDL problem file specifying the initial state and goals for the construction monitoring scenario.