Auto downloader/extractor for vSPD GDX zip files from
Copyright (C) 2014 Electricity Authority, New Zealand.
Used to connect, download, extract, save vSPD GDX files and can also be used to produce the vSPD file, given start and end times of files in the extraction dir.
gdx_grabber has been developed to help market performance automate vSPD experimental runs; e.g., various market power measures such as pivotalness and/or Inverse Residual Demand Elasticity.
For help, run: python --help
Two mode, mutually exclusive, operation:
-d, --download download mode
-f, --filelist filelist mode
###download mode -d, --download
Used either on:
- an adhoc basis, for occasional download and unpack of archives, or;
- daily via crontab/scheduler of your choice:
For example:
python -d --year=2013 --archive
downloads then extracts all gdx files starting 1 January, 2013 to the extraction dir.
python --year=2008 --archive --override
downloads then extracts all gdx files since 1 January 2008 to the extraction dir. Specifing --override, overwrites existing annual zip files.
Default use is for periodic updates; i.e. daily with crontab/schedular:
15 7 * * * /usr/bin/python /home/gdxgrab/ >> log.tx 2>&1
downloads and overwrites the last month of GDX files, as per
###filelist mode -f, --filelist
This mode is used to automatically generate the vSPD file, prior to a vSPD run. It is set up to run either on an adhoc basis, or with a crontab/schedular of your choice. Output will overright any existing file in the current working directory. Shell script may be required to mv to the vSPD Programs dir.
Note: GDX files must be present in the extraction directory for this to succeed.
For example:
python -f -s 2014-02 -e 2014-02
creates file with all February 2014, GDX files:
python -f -s 2008-01-01 -e 2008-01-21
creates file which lists the GDX filenames between 1 Jan, 2008 and 21 Jan 2008.
Not yet tested on windows environment...
D J Hume, 25/3/2014