Personal project in which I analyse Zomato data through NLP and Geospatial analysis. The project's Jupyter Notebook is uploaded above.
Language: Python
- pandas
- numpy
- seaborn
- matplotlib.pyplot
- sqlite3
- nltk (FreqDist, bigrams, trigrams)
- nltk.corpus (RegexpTokenizer, stopwords)
- geocoder
- geopy
- geopy.geocoders (Nominatim)
- warnings
- folium (Map())
- folium.plugins (HeatMap)
- Importing data (sqlite3)
- NULL handling
- For loops
- If else
- Data manipulation: unique(), replace(), split(), len(), apply(), lambda, type(), crosstab(), astype(), div(), lower(), most_common(), str.contains(), value_counts(), reset_index(), rename(), merge(), def()
- Data visualization: Stacked bar charts, Unigram/Bigram/Trigram charts, Geographical heat maps
- Frequency tables
- Dataframe filtering
- List tokenization
- List comprehension
- Unigram/Bigram/Trigram analysis
- Latitude/Longitude mapping
- Spatial/Geographical analysis