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Piotr Szymczak edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 29 revisions


It has been a long time , but we've finally reached version 2.0 . If you tried this addon long long ago I'd consider looking at it once more.

The wiki is outdated once more! You can follow in-game tutorial for basics though. I'll try to update it in the coming weeks.

It's now even more outdated... in-game tutorial should suffice. If not just ask somewhere :)

What it does?

It does basically 3 things:

  • EPGP Management*.
  • Extended Loot Distribution System aka "[Network Bidding](Network Bidding)".
  • Enhancements to carbine's Master Loot Addon.

DKP is still there but it's no longer emphasized.

EPGP management is the core functionality with the most deep to it while the other two are smaller modules focused strictly on one thing.

Quick Tour:

The addon is quite big so I've decided to write a few [small guides](Quick start) to help you out , but generally I'd advise to go through the UI and check how the things work.

Addons in family: